Chapter 5

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Spyro was lying in his bed, he was not resting, but rather, thinking. 

"What is it with this dream?" Spyro wondered as he sighed in disappointment, he was supposed to be scouring out the spy amongst the Skylanders, but, Cynder was in his place. 

"I hope she can find the spy"  Spyro thought to himself as he looked around the treehouse. 

"She doesn't need to carry this burden" Spyro looked at his hand, then he got out of bed. 

"I've had enough of this nightmare, I'm getting some answers!" Spyro exclaimed, and with that, he flew out of the treehouse and away from the ruins.

Cynder sat down in the chair where Spyro sat, and told Hex to get the next suspect, Flashwing. Cynder watched as Flashwing strode on in, and sat down across from her, immediately she asked. 

"Did I do something wrong?" Flashwing asked, worried, Cynder slid her hands from side-to-side on the table. 

"That's what we're here to find out, Flashwing" Cynder quickly moved her eyes back to Flashwing. 

"So, where were you the night of the attack?" Cynder eyed her suspiciously. 

"Well, I was up, doing my thing, when Warnado called for me, I came out with him, and he asked me to describe the ruins for him" Cynder looked content. 

"Go on" she pressed. 

"I did so, he didn't tell me what he was gonna use it for, but he said that I was great, helping the Skylands or something" Cynder looked at Hex and they both nodded. 

"Alright, Flashwing, your free to go" Cynder showed her out, then went to Hex. 

"That seems awfully suspicious, don't you think?" Cynder asked her.

"Yeah, it does, we should interrogate Warnado next" Hex replied.

"Great, I'll go tell Spyro the news!" Cynder stated as she flew out of the tent. When she got to their treehouse, she looked around for Spyro, but couldn't find him, than, she stumbled on a realization: Spyro must have run away!

Cynder was somewhat right about Spyro running away, as he was going to find answers, Spyro was flying in the right direction, he was sure of it, he saw the island he was looking for, and landed. 

"Skylanders Academy" Spyro sighed, it had been awhile since he had been at the Academy, he flew towards the grand library.

"There's only one person I can think of who can help me" Spyro opened the door to the library. 

"Hello? Master Eon?" Spyro called out for Eon, but no response. 

"Huh, where did he go?" Spyro looked around, then realized his mistake. 

"Oh shoot! I left Cynder to guard the Core alone, I mean, sure, there are other Skylanders there, but last time, we barely stood a chance against the drow elves" Spyro gasped as he spread his wings and flew back off to the Ruins.

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