Chapter 9

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Cynder had flown out of the torture room with speed and agility, her thoughts singling on one thing, "Spyro", however, Cynder had stopped herself right as a Drow Elf guard walked by, Cynder then grabbed the guard and dragged him behind the wall, then, she knocked him unconscious, and dragged the body out of sight, she then continued forward to find her mate.

Spyro stared in absolute terror as he watched his evil counterpart walk and talk.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Spyro, that dragon, can't say I'm honored to meet you" Dark Spyro slyly taunted him.  At this, Spyro sent a retort at him.

"Well, I could say the same for you, I mean after all, your just an evil clone of me that was created by Kaos, so, your a failed attempt" Spyro smirked slightly as he noticed Dark Spyro eyeing him viciously as he heard this comment.

"Well, like it or not, I'm your superior, the darkness you've been so hesitant about embracing, that made you weak" Spyro didn't take his eyes off of Dark Spyro.

"But, now look at me! I'm the one whose going to show the world that darkness will reign supreme" Dark Spyro continued monologuing as Spyro stood his ground.

"Too bad you never got to feel this power for yourself" Spyro had enough of this.

"Let's face it, Sparky, but the light side is gonna be the entire reason you fall, we may not have your abilities, but we have each other" Dark Spyro glared at him, then looked to Malefor, he simply nodded, at this, Dark Spyro charged towards Spyro, who managed to dodge in the nick of time, Spyro then balsted him with his fire, merely irritated by this, Dark Spyro sent four blasts of dark fire at Spyro. When Spyro flew out of the way, the fire followed him.

"Hmm, they're almost acting as heat-seekers, I can work with that" Spyro grinned as his plan fell into motion. He flew around the room for a few times, then flew at Malefor, who was seemingly distracted, Spyro then flew up, and before the dark fire could follow him, it hit Malefor, clearly noticing and feeling this attack, Malefor glared at Spyro.

"What can I say, I'm a sucker for-ack!" Spyro was rammed in the side by Dark Spyro, who then tossed him on the ground, Dark Spyro stared over the defeated dragon.

"Finish him!" Malefor exclaimed, and Dark Spyro formed dark energy.

"Goodnight, Spyro" Dark Spyro grinned as he prepared to blast Spyro full force, Spyro closed his eyes and waited for it...but it never came, when he looked up he saw Dark Spyro getting knocked back by unmistakable signs of electricity breath, he looked to his right to see Cynder standing next to him, holding his body in her embrace, Spyro smiled.

"No one harms my mate and gets away with it!" Cynder roared, "this'll be a fight for the ages" Spyro thought to himself.

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