Chapter 13

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"Kaos, you slimy little midget! I should've known you'd turn on us!" Cynder exclaimed as Spyro and her glared at Kaos.

"Well it only made sense, you honestly expected me to keep my full end of a deal I made with a SKYLOSER!?" Kaos replied swiftly. At this, Spyro and Cynder flew up into the air.

"Well, chump, we took you down once —and about 314 other times— and we'll do it again" Spyro said confidently as he dove in, Cynder flowing close behind, as they rushed at Kaos, he merely scoffed in boredom.

"Yawn, this will be the last time you interfere with the mighty KaOS" Kaos exclaimed as he started firing bolts of dark magic at them.

"Alright, chump, let's do this" Spyro challenged him as he charged Kaos.

"Ack! Unhand me!" Kaos exclaimed as he shocked Spyro with a bolt of dark magic.

"Argh! Like that's what I'm gonna do..." Spyro groaned in pain as he kept ramming Kaos and himself through walls. Eventually Kaos shocked Spyro with such power that it knocked him to the ground, while Kaos flew to safety, only for him to fly down to the defeated Spyro.

"That was your first mistake today!" Kaos exclaimed as he formed an orb of dark magic.

"and I'll make sure that it'll be your last, night-night, Skylose-ack!" Kaos was blasted to the side, when Spyro looked up, he saw Cynder flying towards him.

"Anyone who harms my mate has to deal with me, and I don't tend to be too friendly in these circumstances" Cynder growled at Kaos.

"Oh please, as soon as I'm finished with you, I'll destroy the Core of Light, and then darkness will reign supreme! HA-HAHAHAHAHA" Kaos cackled as he formed orbs in his hands.

"Yeah? Well it sounds like a bunch of baloney to me!" Cynder exclaimed as she blasted Kaos with some electricity breath, Kaos blasted through 3 sets of walls before falling outside the building. Seeing that she had some time, she flew to Spyro, who looked badly hurt. 

"Spyro! Are you okay?" Cynder asked.

"Man, this is like, the third time you've asked me this, and within an hour, impressive" Spyro joked as Cynder ran up to him, Spyro was helped up by Cynder.

"There, there, Spyro, easy does it..." Cynder told her mate as she helped him up.

"I don't think we can beat Kaos with this type of combat...we'll have to try something else..." Spyro told Cynder as an idea popped up I'm his brain.

"Cyn, I've got a plan...".

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