Chapter twenty-five: Vitani's point of view

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Vitani layed in the sun, purring as it wrapped her in its warmth. It had been raining for so long that even the great river had started to overflow, and it felt good to feel the sunshine.

Vitani was only beginning to relax when a voice from behind her made her jump!!!

"Oh, hey, Vitani." She fell off of the rock that she was laying on and spun around.

"Nuka!!!" She groaned, annoyed. "Don't do that!!!"

"I can do what I please." Nuka said matter-of-factly. "I'm a prince."

"Prince of stupidity, maybe." Vitani mumbled. Nuka had to watch her today, as Zira was training Kovu again. Vitani wished that she had some time to spend with her younger brother or mother, but no. Zira was always training Kovu, it seemed like.

"You know, you can't escape, right, Vitani?"

"I beg your pardon, Nuka?"

"Who you are. Hatari said she saw you looking into the waters the other day, wishing you had been a full-blood pridelander. No use in wishing that."

Vitani sighed. Hatari was their younger sister. She rather preferred to spend time with Nuka and Zira, and was becoming quite a tattletale. No matter what happened in the pridelands, Hatari refused to call herself one; at least not while Simba, the lion who had killed her father, was in rule.

 No matter what happened in the pridelands, Hatari refused to call herself one; at least not while Simba, the lion who had killed her father, was in rule

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"Well, it's really none of your business, Nuka. Or Hatari's either." Vitani shot back. "I'm adopted, remember? You never let me forget it. Maybe I was born in the pridelands. Maybe I am a full-blood pridelander, and no one wants to tell me."

"Get your head out of the clouds, Vitani. There's no escaping who you are. Being even the adopted daughter of Zira and Scar means that you have to be against the pridelands, especially Simba and Nala. Don't try to fight it, Vitani. Being an outlander is your destiny. Nothing can change that."

And now Nuka was on one of his rants again about how he should have been the chosen one rather than Kovu, and Vitani was in no mood to listen to that again. So while Nuka wasn't paying attention, Vitani slunk away to the water hole.

It felt like there was more life here. Vitani didn't have to worry about Nuka here. It was peaceful, and while the waters were higher than usual, it was the perfect place to relax.

She started going over the log on the waterfall when she remembered what Nuka said. Being an outlander is your destiny. Nothing can change that. Vitani would show him. There was no harm in wanting to know why she couldn't be the pridelander she was born to be... right?

Too lost in her thoughts, Vitani wasn't looking where she was going...and she wandered too close to the edge. As the wood splintered, Vitani's front paw slid and gave way beneath her. She tumbled head-first towards the water. Panicking, she tried to grab whatever was around her. Trees, vines, logs. But those would only slow her down before she would start falling again. Right before when she would have collided with the water, Vitani dug her claws against a rock. It was sturdy, and held her up, but the sides were too smooth to climb, and she was slipping!! The waters almost met her tail. If she fell, she wouldn't be able to swim back, the water level was too high!!!

"Help!!!" Vitani whimpered, then broke out into a yell. "Anyone?? Can someone hear me?!!! Please!!!" Not too long after her first few cries, she heard a response.

"Hang on; I'm coming!!!" Vitani closed her eyes, breathing fast. She placed all her strength into hanging on to the side of the rock.

After what seemed like forever, but was only a few seconds, a young lion cub about Vitani's age ran up on top of the rock. He had an orange-yellowish pelt, a lighter underbelly, green eyes, and a tuft of brown fur on his head. Vitani looked up at him, her eyes full of fear.

"Help me; please!!! I'm slipping!!!" She cried, and the cub extended his paw out to her.

"Give me your paw!!!" Without hesitation, Vitani thrust her paw out to him, grabbing it and allowing him to pull her up. She tried to use her other paws to scramble up, as he used his other three to back away and get her up.

With one final pull, Vitani was on top of the rock, but they both pulled/pushed a bit too hard, and they tumbled over backwards into the shallow waters of the water hole.

Vitani quickly jumped to her feet, as did the cub. They stood there in silence for a while.

"Um, thanks." Vitani laughed awkwardly. "You saved my life."

"There was no way I was just gonna let you fall in. The waters are too high to swim in. You would've drowned." He shook his head, trying to get his tuft of mane dry. Water sprayed on Vitani, making her laugh. "I'm glad you're alright."

"Yeah, me too. I'm Vitani, by the way." She smiled.

"And I'm Kopa." He smiled back.

"Kopa? As in prince Kopa? As in Simba and Nala's son?"

"Um, yeah." He laughed awkwardly. "That's me."

Vitani looked around nervously. "My mother can't know I'm here, she'd kill you. She'd kill me."

"Why? Who's your mother?"

"Her name's Zira...and let's just say that she isn't too taken with your parents...but...I'm not sure if I wanna go home just yet."

"How come?"

Vitani sighed. "At home, my mother's usually busy with my brother, Kovu. To my older brother, Nuka, I don't exist, and my younger sister, Hatari, doesn't want anything to do with me, really."

"That's awful." Vitani looked down at her paws. She didn't think of it as awful, it was just her life. She'd never known anything different. Kopa spoke again. "Well...if you wanna be friends, we could meet here every day in secret."

Vitani looked up at Kopa. " mean it?" Kopa nodded. "That would be great!!! It's a deal." They shook paws to officiate their deal, when Vitani realised that the sun was going down. "I need to get home." Vitani said. "See you later, Kopa!!!" She turned and dashed away towards her den, hearing Kopa yell behind her,

"Bye, Vitani!!!"

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