Ch.2 Mute

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"He's my step-brother."

I look at her with a look of shock on my face. Not because he's her step-brother but because I didn't know she had any siblings, even if he is only a step-sibling.

"Oh, I didn't know you had any siblings." I say dumbfounded. She gives me a small sad smile.

"Yeah. Most people know about him and me being step-siblings and that's why they tend to stay away from me. They think I'm bad news too," She says sadly, "So when you came to the school and didn't know about us being related, I thought that I would not tell you for as long as possible. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner, please, please, forgive me?" I look at her and how scared she looks. Is she scared she's going to lose our friendship?

"Are you kidding? Of course I'll forgive you! I know you, you're not a bad person. You don't deserve to get judged based on the bad actions of your step-brother." I say firmly, putting emphasis on step-brother. Her face lights up and she envelops me in a crushing hug, causing me to squeal in pain. She releases me looking sorry and worried.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" Her voice is full of worry. I don't know what to do or say. She can't know about the abuse, he'd kill me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I fell down the stairs yesterday, so I just have some bruises and I'm a little sore." I say shocked at myself for how smoothly that lie came out. Marie looks skeptical but nods and gives me a 'I'm sorry' look.

"Okay well you should get to class now, I'm okay and we are still best friends, even considering your step-brother." I smile at her while holding back tears from the pain, and she says goodbye and that she'll see me later. I turn around and go into the nearest bathroom right as the bell rings, signaling I'm late to class.

I go into a stall and let the tears flow down my face. I cry for a long time before I check my phone and see that its 8:38. First period is almost over so I might as well stay here. The bell rings and I leave the stall and look at myself in the mirror. It's a good thing I wear waterproof mascara.

As I finish wiping away my tears, I hear the clicking of heels belonging to the one, the only, Dominique. The Devil incarnate. She sees me at the mirror and a sick smirk comes across her cakey foundationed face. Thankfully there's only one of her demons with her, Connie. Connie is quiet but she is still evil. I try to sneak past them to leave the bathroom but they block my way.

"Where do you think you're going loser?" Dominique snickers. I keep my head down and don't say anything.

"I'm talking to you mute!" She screams, which makes me flinch and stumble backwards in fear. Connie chuckles and Dominique raises her hand and slaps me. I bring my hand up to my face because that burns like hell and look up and glare at her.

"Awe, is mute going to look at us to death? I'm so scared!" She mocks me and stumbles backward with a fake look of fright and sadness on her face. Just as I thought they were going to leave me alone Connie kicks me in the legs knocking me down to the ground, where Dominique proceeds to kick me in the stomach and in my already hurt ribs.

Suddenly they stop kicking me and I lift my head up to see if they left, only to feel a horrible kick to the back of my head. And then, there's nothing.

Complete blackness. It feels nice.


As I start to come back into consciousness, I feel not only a sharp pain in my head but all over my body. I also feel something cold being pressed against my forehead.

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