Ch.41 Always Hungry

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The same routine as the past few days, wake up, throw up, and get ready.

Everyone has been taking the pregnancy well. Everyone was happy for us because we were happy. But am I happy? I'm young, neither of us have a job, I'm in high school, he'll be in college. What if we break up? Then what?

I splash cold water on my face in an effort to clear my head. It doesn't work. My mind is muddled with all kinds of thoughts. What are kids at school going to think? Am I going to have to drop out?

I walk out of the bathroom and try to get my mind off of those thoughts and get ready for school. I'm not far along and I have my first ultrasound soon. It's mainly to confirm my due date. Right now we think I'm about 6 weeks. I get the ultrasound in about 4 weeks.

I think at the appointment we'll also be able to hear the baby's heartbeat. Sage is really excited about that. I am too.

"You ready?" Sage asks as we walk downstairs. I've been back at school for a while after finding out I'm pregnant. I still can't believe I am. No one knows except the people who were at the dinner. I've sworn them to secrecy.

"I have four tests today." I sigh rolling my eyes. "Do teachers get together and purposely do this?" I grumble. Sage kisses the side of my head.

"You'll be fine, you're very smart." I smile.

"You have one of the tests." I say and he furrows his brows. "French."

"Oh shit." He says. I stick my tongue out at him and sticks his out at me.

"What are you guys six?" Shawn asks waltzing out of the kitchen.

"Yep." Sage replies. Shawn rolls his eyes and walks back towards his room.

"What's going on with you guys? You and him and Jasper used to be best friends!" I say sadly.

"I guess Charles told them to stay away from me or something." I'm sure I look sad because he holds my shoulders and looks at me. "It's all good, love. I don't need them when I have you, Marie, Ross, and Val." He says.

"And Kian." I say. He rolls his eyes.

"And Kian." He grumbles. Even though he acts like he's not the biggest fan of Kian, I know they love each other. They've been friends forever and I think Sage is just playing the whole tough guy act.

Sage insists on me having a nice big breakfast and I oblige. I eat pancakes, fruit, yogurt with granola in it, and some orange juice. I'm so full that my pants are going to rip. I may have to invest in some maternity pants sooner than I thought if he's going to feed me like this.

We leave the house with Marie and head to the school.

"Remember," I start but Marie cuts me off.

"Don't tell anyone." She says patting my shoulder. "We know, don't worry, we've been doing this for like a week now and we got your back." She smiles and we all get out of the car. We meet up with Val and Ross. Kian walks behind them, third wheeling like Marie is with us.

We all walk into school and Dominique struts up to us.

"This bitch better not touch you." Marie says and Val clenches her fists. Kian doesn't look so happy either. None of them look especially happy. I look down at my feet. I wonder what she has to say this time.

"Why hello, freaks." Dominique sneers.

"Go away bitch." Marie says exhaustedly.

"No. I don't think I will." She steps closer and Sage pulls me back a step. Dominique laughs a little and glares at me. I peek up at her for a second to see the deadly glare before looking back down.

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