Ch.42 Baby

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School drags on today. As I predicted, I'm very tired today. Sage and I were up late. I hope we didn't keep anyone else up.

I didn't throw up this morning and I'm so happy. I'm hoping that I'll get over the morning sickness. The doctors appointment is even closer now and I can't wait. Sage has been doing a lot of research to make sure I'm comfortable during the pregnancy.

"Are you hungry?" Sage asks when I bump into him in the hall.

"A little." He takes his bag off his shoulder and takes out an apple. He hands it to me, kisses my forehead and slings his bag over his shoulder again.

"I love you, E." He says. Getting ready to head to his class.

"I love you." He gives me a small wave and walks to his class. Me and Val start walking to ours.

"You two are just so cute. I can't believe you're pregnant though."

"Shhh. Please Val." She slaps her hand over her mouth.

"It's fine, no ones around. I doubt anyone heard." She says. I look around and she's right, the halls are pretty empty. And she didn't say it all that loudly, but I can't help but be paranoid about it.

"I just don't want anyone to know." I say. She nods.

"I get that, I do, but Eden, everyone's going to know eventually, your stomach isn't going to stay flat for long." She says. She's right. Everyone will know soon. I really am considering dropping out of school when that happens.

We sit down in our seats and class starts.


The day won't end. I'm so stressed out too. We have mid terms coming up and they're a big part of our grade. I was out for a while and I'm still behind in a lot of classes, if I don't pass those exams, it'll bring down my overall grade a lot.

In like three classes we're doing essays. In English we have started a new book and we have to write an essay about that and another essay on some play.

School is going to kill me. Sage helps me do my homework and study every night and he also helps me relax. If it weren't for him, I think I would be failing and have to get held back. Or I would just drop out.

"Hey, why aren't you eating?" Sage asks bringing me out of my thoughts. I shrug and it makes him even more worried. "Are you feeling okay?" He asks glancing at my stomach.

"I'm just tired." I say. I didn't eat the apple he gave me earlier. I barely ate breakfast, I've been too stressed to eat today.

"Do you want to go home?" He asks and I shake my head. If I go home, then I'll just get further behind and have more work to do. I can't do that.

"No, then I'll have more work to do. I'm just starting to get caught up." I say.

"Baby, your health and our baby's health is more important than school." He says lacing his fingers with mine.

"I know, I'm okay, I promise." I say completely lying to him. The truth is, I'm tired. I don't feel all that great and I do want to go home. I want to go home and cuddle with him on the couch while watching Disney movies.

He reluctantly nods still holding my hand. I pretend to be picking at the salad in front of me.

Lunch goes by quickly and me, Val, and Sage are off to Social Studies. I really don't want to go because we are writing an essay in this class. High school teachers just really love their essays, don't they?

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