Ch.60 See you again

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"Mom!" I say as she opens the door to her apartment. She's still living in the same apartment she bought about 3 years ago.

She embraces me in a hug and then gives Christian a quick hug too. Daisy comes running up to me, her tail wagging ferociously. I pet her head and then she moves to sniff Christian. I smile as he pets her. Mom closes the door and helps us carry our bags into my room.

"I'm so glad your back, honey." Mom says. I set down my bags and look around my room. Nothing has changed. It's nice to come back to the same things.

"Me too. Where is everyone? I want to meet up with them." I say. Christian brings in the rest of our bags and sets them by my bed.

"We're having them for dinner." She says. That's why the apartment smells so good.

"Who's them?" I ask. We walk back out to the kitchen to mom can check on the food.

"Oh you know, Sam, Val, and Marie. Kian is definitely coming, he was very excited to hear you were coming back up." She says. I can't help the smile that forms on my lips. I miss them. I can't wait to see them.

I help mom with dinner and then go and clean myself up. I put on a pair of jeans and a white crop top before sitting with Christian on the couch. Dinners pretty much done. I tried to continue to help, but mom practically pushed me out of the kitchen. I guess she enjoys cooking.

There's a knock on the door and I stand to get it. I'm so excited to see everyone, it's been almost 6 months. Kian, Val, and Marie stand on the other side. Ross and Travis are standing behind them. The three of them crush me in a hug and I feel a presence behind me. When they pull away, I feel Christian's arms wrap around me. His lips press against my temple.

"You're the EMT." Val says pointing a finger at him. Marie crosses her arms. Kian's smile fades.

"Guys this is Christian, my boyfriend. Christian this is Marie, Val, and Kian. And that's Travis, Marie's boyfriend and Ross, Val's boyfriend." I say introducing everyone.

"So you're her ex's step-sister?" Christian asks looking at Marie. She nods stiffly.

"And I'm his bestie." Kian says placing his hand on his hip.

"What's up guys?" I ask forcing a laugh. Kian makes a noise.

"I just can't believe you dumped Sage and then got with this guy this quick." He says inspecting his nails.

"Can we please not talk about this now? I just got back." I say. They all stop talking and walk into the apartment. I close the door behind them all and Christian stays with me the whole time, his hand in mine.

"Jesus. They're brutal aren't they?" Christian says trying to make light of it. He looks worried.

"Very straight to the point and blunt, yes." I say. "Don't worry, I'm fine. I know how to deal with them." I say. He nods and leads me back over to our spot on the couch.

We both sit down and we all talk to each other. I don't really want to discuss my love life with them. I'm hoping they'll drop it. Sam arrives not long after them, so we all sit at the table and eat.

"So, Eden, how's Virginia?" Sam asks. I smile, thankful for the normal conversation and set my fork down.

"It's good. The school is nice and so is my apartment building." I say smiling. Christian's hand rests on my thigh. I'm glad he's here.

"So you moved to Virginia for Eden?" Kian says pointing is fork at Christian. Here we go again.

"I did." He answers simply wiping his mouth with a napkin. Kian narrows his eyes at Christian.

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