Ch.35 Birthday Fun

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"Happy birthday bitch!" I hear Marie and Val scream before someone rips the covers off of me. Sage's arm is still wrapped around me keeping me warm. "Get up! It's your birthday! You're 17!" She says as she hits me with a pillow.

Sage tenses beside me, grabs the pillow from her and chucks it at her head. He then pulls me closer to him and kisses my cheek.

"Happy birthday baby. I love you." Sage says.

"Okay we're leaving now, happy birthday Ede. Just so you know you need to be ready soon. We are going birthday slash Christmas shopping!" Val says. I wave at them and they leave the room.

"You didn't say it back." Sage whispers in my ear.

"Hm?" I hum in question.

"I said I love you." I turn in his arms.

"I love you too." I say kissing his cheek. I try and get up since the girls want to go shopping but Sage pulls me back to him leaving kisses all over my face and neck.

"If you give me more hickeys, I'm not letting you touch me for a week." I threaten and he pulls away.

"You wouldn't dare." He says seriously. I nod my head.

"Oh, but I would." I give him one last kiss. "I have to get ready. I don't spend much time with them anymore because I'm always with you. It's only fair." He sighs and lets me get up.

"Okay. The guys want to hang out with me anyway since we didn't yesterday." He says getting up to get ready himself.


Once I've taken a shower and gotten dressed, I head downstairs and meet up with Marie and Val.

"So, why are we shopping today?" I ask.

"Well silly, one, Christmas is tomorrow so you can do some last minute shopping, two, it's your birthday and we can do some birthday shopping, three, it's the party tonight and we need to get cute dresses!" Val exclaims.

"Yep, what she said." Marie nods and we head out to Marie's car.

They blast our favorite songs all the way there and I realize that I need to hang out with them more. I've really been missing my best friends.

They make me smile every second and I laugh so much it hurts.

"Okay, we're here. What's the game plan? Where to first and what are we looking for?" Val asks. I laugh at her serious face and she looks confused.

I get out of the car and they follow and we wander around the mall looking for dresses.

"Where even is the party?" I ask.

"It's just going to be at our house." Marie says. "Oh, Val guess who's going to be there?" Marie asks with a flirty voice.

"Who?" She asks still browsing racks of dresses.

"Who? Jesus Val, I don't know maybe the guy you've been flirting with shamelessly for like a month?" Marie says in a tone that screams 'are you dumb?'

"No. Don't tell me you invited him." She says her cheeks warming.

"Ooh, is Ross coming to this?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows at her. She smacks her hands over her face.

"Yes, He is. The only reason he said he would come was for Val." Marie says wiggling her shoulders. "Well that and because him and Sage are besties." She adds.

"Is it going somewhere?" I ask.

"Well, I mean, I guess? He kinda sorta asked me out the other day?" She says like it's a question.

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