Ch.50 Drama Queen

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Vacation was amazing. It was relaxing and fun and it was so nice to just hang out with my friends and Sage. Yes, there was a bit of gang business, but it wasn't horrible. It was simple things about when shipments were coming in. We also made agreements with other gangs. Basically we're all not fighting anymore. We convinced them that the gangs fighting, isn't helping anything. It took a lot of negotiation, but now everything's good and calm.

Sadly, we have to come back to reality. Back to life. We got back a few days ago. I got a job. I'm working at the diner. I feel like that's a perfect place for me to work at. I feel like I've come full circle.

"Hey, baby." Sage says rolling over and throwing his arm around me. "How'd you sleep?"

"I did." I say. And I did. I used to not sleep well at all, but I'm better than ever. School starts back up soon. I'm not excited. Sage has talked about me doing online school but I don't want to miss out on high school. But I did think about it. I still am. Some people have been giving me a hard time because I'm engaged.

"Breakfast is ready guys!" Marie shouts. Sage groans into my neck and angrily rolls out of bed. He's so dramatic. I love him though. He stomps his feet over to his dresser.

"Drama queen." I giggle. He snaps his head around and pouts.

"I just wanted to cuddle with you." He says. I love this man so much.

"We can do that all day." I assure him.

"You have to go back to school in a few days. I need my Eden time." He says walking over to me with a shirt in hand. I sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed. He pulls me up and I wrap my legs around his waist.

"You'll have plenty of time with me before school and even during the school year. It's not like I'm leaving." I say. He nods and carries me out of the room and to the kitchen. 

"Nice of you guys to finally join us." Kian says. Over vacation, he came out to me. We haven't told anyone but Marie and Val. We're the only people he's comfortable with telling right now. I hate keeping secrets from Sage but this isn't my secret to tell.

Sage sets me down and we sit down at our spots at the table. We eat and talk with everyone before Sage leads me to his office. Shawn whispered something to him during breakfast and Sage didn't look so happy about whatever it was.

"What's going on?" I ask as we both sit down on the couch. He holds my hand and takes a deep breath.

"I'm going to sort this out, so don't worry, but your dad got in contact with us." He says.

"What do you mean? What did he say?" I ask. My dad? He's in jail, right?

"Well, he basically threatened to kill us all if me and you are really engaged and if we actually get married." Sage says. "But don't worry, he's still in jail and he won't be out for a while. He's not going to hurt you, ever." I don't say anything. I'm in shock. I'm sure reaching out to us wasn't that hard for him but it's still scary. "I have guys in there. They're keeping an eye on him." I nod and try to assure myself. He pulls me close and kisses my head.

"I love you." I whisper into his shoulder.

"I love you too."


Schools been in session for a month now. Everything's going well. The girls and I have been having so much fun. I've also proven to Sage that me going to school isn't a bad thing like I had said.

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