Ch. 52 Planning

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Nothings happened. It's been too calm.

It's been about 2 days since we came to this safe house and we haven't heard anything. There's no information on the void. We've just been camped out here. It's a nice place though, I'll admit. I don't mind staying here.

Sage has made sure that I'm comfortable and safe. There's a lot of security at this place. I think Sage is trying to prevent things that have happened in the past.

The people I'm worried about is the gangs inner circle. They would give their lives to protect Sage. Anyone in the gang would. Everyone looks up to Sage. I think it's because even in the worst situations, Sage is still levelheaded and he knows what to do.

He's also helped a lot of them. He's helped them get out of situations. He's helped their families get back on their feet. Sage really is a sweetheart, he just doesn't let many see that part of him.

Val always tells me that he knows how to keep his cool unless it's something involving me. That's when he loses his cool.

"Eden," Sage says from the kitchen. It's the afternoon and I woke up not long ago. My school attendance is going to be so bad, I was doing so well. I get up off the couch and walk to the kitchen. When I get close to it, a dog tackles me and I almost fall.

"Daisy?" I say petting her. Her tail wags excitedly as I pet her.

"I got her brought here. I made sure that she got here safely and that no one followed them." Sage says smiling. Daisy licks my cheek before I give Sage a hug.

"Thank you." I say.

"I had to, Daisy has been acting as your therapy dog, in a way. She calms you down. I wanted to make sure you had her here." He says giving Daisy a pat on the head. "Plus, if the void raids the house, I don't want her there."

"Is my mom safe?" I ask. I've been worried about her since we got here.

"Yeah, she's safe. You might just want to text her or call her and tell her to not go by the house." He says.

"Okay, I'll do that." I say. "What about our cars?"

"I had them moved out of the alley, don't worry." He answers. "I've got everything under control." Shawn takes Sage away, probably to go talk about what we're going to do. We're having a meeting tonight with every member who's here with us.

I personally feel like sitting here is pointless. One way or another, we're going to have to leave or they're going to find us. We should just make our move, surprise them.

But no one is going to agree with me.

"What're you doing?" Val says plopping down on the couch. I walk over and sit down next to her, Daisy at my feet.

"Nothing, being bored." I say. She laughs and pets Daisy quickly.

"I hear you. I say we just go out there, surprise attack them, and get it over with. What's the worst that'll happen? Our gang has beefed up so much since the last incidents." She points out.

"That's exactly what I was thinking!" I exclaim. "But Sage would never let us." She slumps in defeat.

"You're right, I won't do that." Sage says walking into the room with Shawn.

"Come on Sage! They'll wait us out. You know they will." Val says.

"She has point Sage. We can't just sit here." Shawn agrees. Sage places his head in his hands and sits down.

"I can't lose any of you. I'm not risking it." He says.

"Sage, you have to understand that somethings going to happen. We might as well have a plan and make the first move. We can take control over this." I reason. He looks up at me and sighs.

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