update + news

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Hi everyone who reads this,
I haven't wrote a chapter of Finally Free (the sequel to THT) in a while due to no motivation to do so. I'm sorry I've been gone. Happy new year!

I really wanted to write the sequel, to continue Eden's story, but I feel as though it's getting stretched out. I feel like it should've ended.

I don't see myself writing much more of FF, if any more. There's not much more of Eden's life to write about.

She's happy now, safe. She's living a great life with Christian. I don't feel the need to continue this. I might, but I'm not promising anything.

I have a few other book ideas that I'm thinking about running with. I don't know which I'm going to go with yet, but if you want a preview, let me know :)

I hope you understand and thank you, thank you so much.

I'll be posting a similar message to this on Finally Free.

I'm sorry, and I love you all ❤️

xo - Jillian Elizabeth

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