Ch.58 Guilt

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"Marie. You need to tell me what's going on. Now." I say into the phone. Christian sits back down on the couch and watches me silently.

"Eden, you shouldn't do this to yourself. You're in a good place. I don't need you relapsing." She's either talking about the drugs or my self harm. Either way, I'm better now. I know how to deal with things.

"Fuck Marie! Just please tell me. What happened to him?" I beg. He's still so important to me. I have Christian now but Sage was my first in so many ways. I still care about him. I've kept tabs on him ever since we broke up.

"He got arrested." She says. I sit down on the couch next to Christian and take a deep breath. I ready myself for what I'm about to ask.

"What did he do?" There's no way I can possibly ready myself for what she's going to say.

"He killed someone, Eden." Marie says. My heart drops. I know in the past he might've helped kill someone but hearing it and knowing him before it happened, it hit me differently. It hurts. I feel tears prick at my eyes.

"What? Who? Why? What's his sentence? Do we know yet?" I rush out. Christian places his hand on my back and I stand up. I don't want him to touch me right now.

"It was your dads friend, Mitchel." She says. "Sage knew what he did to you. He's getting sentenced this Wednesday." I feel like my world is spinning and crashing. I can't breathe.

"I'll be there." I say before I hang up. I don't need her or anyone else fighting me on this. I'm going up there and I'm supporting Sage. But I'm also going to scream at him.

I toss my phone onto the couch and stare at Christian. He's looking down at his hands, he eventually looks back up at me. He stands slowly and wraps his arms around me. I circle my arms around his neck and hide my face in his chest.

"I need to go." I whisper. He kisses the top of my head.

"I know. I'm going with you." He says. I look up into his honey colored eyes. They shine down on me with worry and love.

"You don't have to. You have work. I'm not going to pull you away from your life to babysit me." I say.

"You're my life now, Eden. I'm going with you. We can make a trip out of it." He smiles. He leans down and pushes his lips against mine.

We've never kissed like this before, I think I like it. He lifts me up without disconnecting our lips. His lips turn up into a smile and mine mirror his.

He pulls away and his eyes ask me a million questions. He's still holding me up as he walks over towards my bed. I only grin in response. He places me onto the bed and stands in between my legs.

I reach my hands to his face and move my thumbs across his lips. He looks at me, watches me before he brings his lips to mine again.

I slide up to the top of the bed, and he follows. He holds himself over me, bringing his lips to mine trailing his hand up my leg. Goosebumps rise on my skin. His hand moves up the side of my body to rest on my cheek. His touch is gentle and careful.

I pull him closer to me as we run out of breath. My fingers in his hair, our tongues dancing together. We're so close but I feel far away from him. I need him closer to me. My hands move from his hair to his abdomen. My hands go under his shirt and I drag my hands up to his chest. I bring my hands back down to touch the hard muscle. I rest my hands on the hem of his shirt and he pulls away from me to fling it off.

He's gorgeous. His muscles are very defined and they flex as he removes his shirt. I trail my eyes up and down his body. The defined v- shape of his hips disappearing into his pants. I meet his eyes and he's smirking at me.

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