Chapter 5

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Bendy's P.O.V

I was out for groceries with the others for about two hours and let me tell you.....that this sh*t is boring as f**k! The only thing I am looking forward to is seeing that chick awake.

 I started to imagine what her reaction would be once she woke up, that was until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Boris holding a huge bag full of our food. 

"Hey Bendy can you help me with this, I can only hold two at a time since we are going back to the hotel." he said, he had no clue on how bored I was. FINALLY, WE ARE GOING BACK! But (of course)I kept my cool and said, "Sure thing bro, hand it ALL over". 

We gathered with the others and started to make our way alongside the dusty roads. Random citizens passed by us with huge amount of gossip and laughter. Some cute girls passed by too, but, I kept my hold on the grocery bag's while Cuphead snickered and pulled many jokes on me. I am guessing he is trying to make me mad again, so I decided to ignore him and chat with my brother. After a five minute walk, we arrived at the hotel. 

We walked up a few staircases until arrived at our room's door. 

"Hang on let me get the keys," Boris said, as he began his search throughout his pocket. That was till we heard a huge bang inside. Everyone just stood there in deep shock. Boris's hands were now furiously looking through his bag until he FINALLY found the keys. He quickly inserted it into the lock and swung open the door to reveal...

(Y/N) hanging from the light swatting Sir Felix with wispy tail. Her wings were stretched wide apart, showing off their impressive size. 

Huh... so she is some sort of a demon...

"AHHHH (Y/N) THAT HURTS!", Felix yelled at (Y/N) before grabbing her tail to stop it from further slapping. She responded with a badass jump from the lamp and a swift leg swing hitting him directly onto his back. That made him sending onto the couch with a huge "oof". She then let out a scoff and dusted her hands. 

(Y/N P.O.V)

After showing Fel who is boss, I dusted my hands and got my elbows ready for a huge drop shot. BUT, I heard a voice "Do you fight often?" I turned towards the doorway to find all the boys. I instantly started to freak out.

 "Oh! I didn't see you there guys!" I nervously said. Then after a nervous glance at Cuphead got me saying "H-how long h-have you been there?". Boris then answered with a smile, "Enough to see that you are capable of knocking out Mr. Felix!" he laughed a little to loudly and went to the kitchen to put the food away.

That left me with Bendy, Cuphead, and poor Felix in the living room. I started to get a little too anxious so I walked over to Felix for answers. 

"Now then." I said, clicking my tongue, "Mind telling me where my cloak is? I think I really need it...", I said with a shady murder look on my face. His groaning face turned towards me slightly and answered with a simple, "NO". 

Mannnnn I bet he threw it away... I looked up to see Cuphead already sitting across from me squinting at me viciously. He then instantly caught me looking and looked away. I gave him a sheepish smile, he has good reflexes. So I stood up and made my way to the kitchen to find everyone else there sorting things out and planning out their next stop. Felix was chatting with Boris, Mugman was sitting on the counter munching on a juicy red apple while Bendy was reaching up to place a crate of bread onto the shelf. I decided to help out, without saying a word I walked over to Bendy, grabbed the crate like mother f*cking boss and flew up to the shelf. I then flew down and said, 

"Your welcome". He just stood there glaring at me for basically saying that he can't reach up there because he is too short. Honestly I never wanted him to think of me like that, but it felt good to help someone out. "Gee, you are really meant to say "Thank You"", he rose an eyebrow and smirked. Before he could begin talking I placed my hand over his mouth making him flinch. I smiled and excused myself. I then walked over to Felix and tugged onto his shirt, he looked down at me and smiled with his purrrrfect teeth.

"Yes, sis?". I gave him the look and pointed toward the balcony, he nodded and excused himself from his current conversation with Boris. He followed me toward the balcony and closed the door behind him. I then started talking "Sorry about earlier," I said, he then answered with a smirk, "No, no, no I am sorry for taking your cloak but if you are planning on taking it back I won't give it to you." I groaned and then moved on to my next question, "I also wanted to ask, can I come along with you onto the adventure?" his eyes lit up "I would love you to come along but only if it's okay with Bendy and Boris" I nodded shyly and gave a salute to him for self good luck as I dove into the hallways to look for them.

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