Chapter 11

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The golden sun slowly rose over the tall trees, sending glints of sunlight through the thick leaves. The light was just enough to wake up a certain girl...

(Y/N) P.O.V

I stirred around in my sleeping bag, the sun was shining right into my eyes so I couldn't just ignore it. I gave up sooner or later and sat up, what time was it? It doesn't matter anyway, I am awake now and there isn't any coming back. I looked over at my brother, he was sleeping in his little sleeping bag soundly. I smiled at the sight and slowly made my way out of the bag and started to pack it back into my satchel. I dug my hands through it and took out my sapphire brush, its jewels on the back glinted in the sun as it attracted the light. I guided it through my hair and created my braid, I then slipped into my clothes and clasped the belts around my waist.

 Finally... I buckled my violin into it's place.

 I signed and made sure I didn't forget anything else before slipping out of the tent. I stretched my wings out and inward while extending both of my arms upward letting a nice satisfying crack along my spine. I smiled in satisfaction and looked around... 

The lake had a mesmerizing teal color as the crook near it splashed and played with the rocks. 

I walked over to the lake and peered deep into it, my eyes catching sights of salmon tails jolting here and there, so I then decided to maybe catch some of them and cook them up for breakfast. But I needed some fire for that.  I looked back at out campfire, it was unlit and the wood was grinded into ash. 

Just great...I jogged through a new part of the woods to find better wood. The ones from yesterday didn't burn properly so maybe this place will have the good stuff. I hummed a little tune as I slowed down next to a small tree, still humming I glided my fingers through the air with a fast motion. 

Yes she doesn't love her mirage talents...but sometimes the girl gets lazy and curious of what she can do.

An axe appeared in my hands as I swung aimlessly at the tree. The bark cracked and cracked as I chopped it all into a good pair of logs, and just like that my axe had disappeared. I really need to practice on holding things longer. I scooped up the logs and made my way back to camp, the sun was much higher than before so maybe someone is awake. 

When the campsite showed up I was wrong... everyone were still asleep. I signed and replaced the old logs with new ones and slowly started to start the fire. As I waited for the fire to grow, I was sharpening my dagger and tying it to a long pole that I happened to make out of a branch I cut last night. I was going to use it to fish... 

When the fire grew close to done I heard a tent rustling and Mugman slipped out of a tent. I smiled and waved at him, "Good morning Muggy!", I told him. He smiled and walked over to give one of his famous hugs, I almost dropped my creation into the fire! I chuckled and watched him sit down next to me, his deep ocean eyes watched me tie my masterpiece together. "What's it for?", he questioned. "Oh, just for some fish in the lake, I want to catch them and grill them for breakfast." His eyes lit up from hunger and when I was finished he followed me to the lake. 

I ginned and took off my boots and socks and allowed him to do the same. We both waddled into the water and stood still for a minute or two. I was waiting for the salmon to get close enough...I crouched down slowly and steadied myself. 

As quick as a weasel getting away from its prey I stabbed the water, Mugman jumped from the sudden movement and fell into the water scaring all the other fish away. But that okay I don't need the other fish, I smirked and lifted my spear from the water, there on my dagger where pierced through fish. Six of them to be exact. I looked at Mugamn to see if he was alright but he was way ahead of thrilled, he had stars in his eyes. 

I laughed and playfully fell into the water next to him, splashing him as he splashed me. I think because of all the racket we made we woke up the others because soon I heard my brother Felix calling for us to come back. Behind him stood a very angry Cuphead, oh sh*t! I don't know why he is mad but I feel like I have trouble. We slowly made our way back to land and stepped out of the cool water, I gave a smile to them and nervously said,

"Good morning guys! How did you sleep?", Felix gave me a good old hug while Cuphead had other plans...he flicked me in the forehead, "Ow!" I rubbed my forehead as I gave the fish to my brother to cook. Cuphead just grabbed his brothers ear(?) and pulled him over to dry himself. 

The young Cuphead is very overprotective over his brother. Especially hanging out with a barely known person.

 I dried myself with a warm towel Boris handed over to me.

I then suddenly I felt a strong hand tap my shoulder. I shrieked from surprise as I looked at the person who tapped on me. Bendy's face scrunched up from humor as I felt my face turn into a tomato head. He started to laugh so hard that he grabbed his stomach, sooner or later I was on the floor covering my face. This is so ****ing embarrassing! 

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