Chapter 14

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The girl lays till in her bedding as darkness swarmed around her. That was until the sudden noise happened.



 I bolted upwards to just meet up with a headache from getting up so fast.

 "Ouch"... I looked up to the front of my bed to see Cuphead with a very shocked aura around him.

"Cuphead? You ok? What happened? What are you doing here?", I asked. The swarm of questions must have gotten him more stressed out.

"S-sorry, I dropped a vase..." he stuttered out at the sudden awakened me.

He looked at me nervously...

"You are wondering why you're here? Oh, um yesterday you passed out and we came to the city to stay...and bla bla I am sure you know the rest"

I nodded, "Where is everyone else?", I asked. "They are out for exploring, we are in a huge city after all", he looked at me again. 

"Sooo, why are YOU here?", I asked with a smirk planted across my lips. He blushed, "Don't get any wrong ideas!", he exclaimed.

I laughed and got out of bed slowly, finding myself in my pj's. "So, who changed my clothes?", I asked nervously making sure no one did it like a pervert.

"Your bro", he answered as he exited the room to let me change. I shrugged and got into my clothes and re-braided my hair firmly. The chattering and city noise became clear as I met up with Cuphead outside the motel, we just decided to explore for ourselves since we don't know where everyone else is. The streets were crowded with all types of people, some in suits, some in just formal clothing, and others were drunk and wearing trashy clothing.

"(Y/N)!", I heard Cuphead shout out, his voice far behind me. I looked back to see him struggling to get through the crowd towards me, I chuckled and softly flew up and over the steep crowds, landing safety in front of him.

"No offense but you are really REALLY slow", I whispered, then smiling up at him. "It's not my fault that there are so many people here and it's definitely not my fault that you were born to be a shorty and be able to walk past people with no effort.", he answered back laughing at me.

Unlike Bendy who gets mad, I am good with handling these types of people...I laugh with them because it's true... I am short. 

"HAHAHA, that's so funny Cuphead!", I said while tears form in my eyes for laughing so hard. He looks at me with a smile, I guess he was glad I laughed. "I didn't know you can say these types of things", I said while punching his arm playfully.  

He laughed and pushed me onward, he seems to like me...thank god! Thought this will be a really awkward time but I guess not...

We continued down the streets, making a few stops here and there to look at the displays of the shops when all of a sudden...

"Heyyyy there hot stuff, watcha doin'n?", a deep man's voice appeared behind me. I decided to ignore it and continued walking with Cuphead. 

"I AM TALKING TO YOU!!!", someone grabbed my arm. I stopped and my eyes flared in anger. I turned around while grabbing the intruder's hand and twisting it around to echo a sudden crack.


I slid out my dagger and slid it across my throat then pointing right at him. "You will be dead if you touch me once more...."

He turned around and ran away, Tch, such a coward.

I looked at Cuphead to find him just staring at me in awe. I smiled "That wasn't much!", I exclaimed then walking by him and towards the nearest clothing store. He obediently followed close behind me.

"What? Do you need a dress or something?", he asked me. I gagged and shook my head. "I don't like dresses I really only like wearing skirts and many other shorts but nothing more. 

 "I need a cloak...", I said nervously.

He looked at me and shook his head "But you are beu-er I mean ok just the way you are... don't hide behind that shitty cloth.", he murmured. "You heard that from my brother didn't you...", I asked him. He looked down and chuckled nervously.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged walking past the clothing store, Cuphead caught up to me sooner or later walking by me while we made our way down the streets. I then felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Cuphead er I mean tomato head, looking shyly away from me with his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

I was about to ask him but I shrugged the question off and kept walking, I then heard a sudden "HEY (Y/N)! OVER HERE!", it was Boris's voice. I looked up ahead to see the gang sitting outside a cafe with their food. 

I smiled and waved while making my way towards them, I saw Bendy silently growl and side-glanced at Cuphead's hand while drinking his Bloody Mary . What's up with him?

"Hey, Guys! Sorry, you left in the morning and me and Cuphead went out for a nice walk!" I exclaimed as we approached the table. 

"No no, we are sorry for leaving you there!", my brother exclaimed almost spilling his cup of tea he was having.

Bendy suddenly set his drink with a clash and stood up, walked over to me and Cuphead, took my hand and led back to the table the others were sitting at and sat me down onto an empty chair next to him. 

Eesh, he is strong...

"So, (Y/N) lets order some breakfast for you, okay?", Bendy asked me while sitting down next to me. I shrugged off the weirdness and instead smiled sweetly and nodded. While I was looking at the menu...

Bendy's P.O.V 

 While (Y/N) was looking at the menu I leaned back in my chair and glared at the confused Cuphead. He looked at me and that's when my eyes lit up and I slowly pointed the finger at him  below the table. 

He growled and took a seat next to Mugman...


Back to (Y/N) P.O.V

I couldn't find anything special so I looked over at Bendy. He was smirking a lot...that's weird.

"Hey Bends...", he looked over at me and smiled "Yes?", HOLY F*CK HOW THE HELL IS HIS SMILE SO PERFECT? 

"U-um I have to ask you what I should get because I couldn't find anything for myself", I said while handing over the menu. He looked at the menu for a few minutes before pointing at the..."You should get the chocolate croissant, I heard its special here."...

(To be continued...)

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