Chapter 19

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(Y/N) P.O.V

The cool wind made me shiver in excitement as I twirled through the rocks. Sure, it IS dangerous but it was worth it because once I shot out of the deep crack I felt his eyes watching me soar through the air.

The sudden warmth of the sun made me laugh in delight I as flew higher and higher until the mountains below were the size of my finger. I then got a bit tired in the altitude and decided to head on back.

The girls wings spread with their greatness and with once swing it sent her flying back down with gracefulness.

I swooped down through the gorges and arches and landed on top of the middle stone of where the gang were eating. Everyone stopped eating their sandwiches and looked at me with surprise.

"What? Am I not allowed to spread my wings in the sky once in a while?", they burst out laughing with me before handing me a sandwich full of buttery lettice and tomatoes.

I instantly gobbled it down before taking out my carving knife and starting to polish an amber rock I found in the crack. 

It reminded me of his eyes...

I smiled as I glided my finger through the smooth stone. I was never the best at making charms like this but Felix sure was...

My eyes shifted from my carving to Bendy. He was at the moment busy fumbling for words while trying to talk to my brother. When I finish this charm...I shall give it to him. In the culture of miragers, the color of someone's eyes is the most important color when your last seconds have come. If the time was now...I would think of his.

I grinned at my work. It took an hour or two and I didn't even notice! I looked around to find everyone packing up and getting ready to leave for a more comfortable spot to camp.

(Here is a picture of what you have made, the stone in the middle is what you had polished and the outside is from an old charm you had.)

I folded it into a cloth and tied it with a string

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I folded it into a cloth and tied it with a string. Before everyone started to walk again I tucked it into my satchel and started to follow the gang once more up the mountain.

We walked under the afternoon sun for a very long time until the ravine long disappeared by our side and the path widened up little by little. Apple trees loomed above us as the birds hopped branch to branch. Their small bead like eyes observed us carefully...

"Sis, think fast---", I barely caught the apple that shot towards me. "Nice throw", I said while taking a small bite from the juicy flesh.

The sweetness instantly disappeared as I saw Bendy's mouth caress the apple.


Black ink...just...dripped out of his mouth


"Mr. Felix, can we take a quick break?", Bendy softly said. "B-but we just began walking---I MEAN, yes, yes of course!", Felix said quickly as he noted the substance.

The apple turned sour in my mouth as my arms went numb sending the fruit rolling across the floor to someone's feet.

Tears rimmed my eyes as Boris led Bendy into the trees with Felix looming on behind. "HEY, You ok?!? Snap out of it!!!", someone yelled.

I looked up to find Cuphead shaking me...hard. I grabbed his arms and pulled him off before sprinting off after Bendy.




DON't LeAve mE

I arrived at a solemn spot under the tree in which Boris was scrubbing a dripping body of Bendy. I dove onto my knees next to him and grabbed a spare cloth from Boris. He didn't say a word as I wiped the ink away from Bendy's eyes.

"(Y/N)?!?", Bendy's eyes widened at my sudden presence. "Please don't look at me---", "You are such an idiot...", I murmured through my fat tears now dripping down my face. "Why didn't you tell me...", I whispered to him while wiping away another streak of ink.

"I thought-", his voice hitched as he let out a sudden scream of pain. "I WANT TO DIE. THIS IS TOO MUCH. THIS IS TOO PAINFUL.", he yelled out as another wave of ink ran down his bare chest.

I bit my tongue hard from crying and instead pulled him into a strong grimace. His ink slithered between my thighs but I kept holding him. Day or night, I would never leave his side.

Boris wept beside me as he too, wrapped his arms around his brother. 

"Please...don't bother cleaning me, just wait till it cleans itself up...", Bendy whispered in my ear.

"Don't be like this...", Boris said as he wiped his brother once more. "B-boris, I will die at some point so I want you to promise me--" "YOU AREN'T GOING TO DIE", he excalimed and he pulled Bendy away from me.

I instantly positioned myself with a wipe and started to help him clean. Bendy's hand stopped mine as his viscous eyes glowered with anger at Boris, "I WILL DIE AT SOME POINT! JUST ACCEPT IT ALREADY! STOP BEING SO STUBBORN", Boris's eyes started to tear up again as he looked away. "Stop yelling---", "Fine. I stopped."

Bendy's ink stopped pouring as he stood up on his knees to talk to Boris. It seemed personal so I forced myself to take a few steps away and sit on top of a rock. That was untill I heard a muffled grunt from behind and Felix hopped out, hissing on who know what???

I was too busy to acknowledge his presence because I was wiping off all the ink fom myself, so, I just let Bendy and Boris do it.

"Mr. Felix?!? W-what are you doing here?", Bendy stuttered in embarrassment as he let Boris finsih wiping off the remaining ink.

"Well....I....was y'know....checking on you???", Felix nervously said but just recieved a bored glare from Boris. "Bendy, he knows...", Boris murmured as he helped him into his shirt. "WHAT!?!? First it was (Y/N) and then its my idol?!?", Bendy covered his face in embarrsement. That was until Felix gave him a very looooooooooooooong peptalk.

I just sat on the cool rock the whole time, still not believeing in anything that was going on in this world. How could he have it? Is this some kind of toture for me?

My thoughts were cut off with someone taking a seat next to me. I looked over from my knees to see Bendy's soft face peering at me.

"I am so sorry.", he murmured as he leaned onto my laps. His face solemnly stared at me as I bent downwords. His breath hitched again as I let my lips brush his. Taunting him...

That was until his hand pushed the back of my head to leave me with no choice but to connect lips with him. 

How someone so sweet deserve this?

He scoffed as I pulled away and grinned at him. "We should do that more often.", I said. "Um YES! But someone here doesn't want to..", he grinned as he stood up once more and helped me up with him.

"We should head back to the others..."

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