Baylee woke up in a hospital the next morning with Millie at her side.
"Wh? What happened?" Baylee asked and sat up.
"You were injected with crystal meth... a lot of it at that. They said your lucky to be alive." Millie explained. Her voice sounded broken and dry. Baylee looked over at her. Millie looked like she'd cried all night and she had.
"You shouldn't have to deal with this." Baylee said and sat up.
"I love you and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to help you but you have to promise me you won't do that again." Millie said. She stood and walked to the other side of the bed so that Baylee was facing her.
"You don't understand..." Baylee mumbled.
"Don't understand what?" Millie said.
"You don't just stop taking that shit." Baylee growled. Millie jumped a little at Baylee's tone.
"But you'll try right?" Millie said. Baylee sighed.
"I shouldn't have gone last night." Baylee said. She couldn't even look Millie in the eyes she felt so guilty.
"We all make mistakes. But we have to learn from them otherwise we'll make more." Millie said.
"I am so sorry Millie." Baylee said. Tears filled her eyes and ran down her face.
"It's ok." Millie said.
"I'm sorry." Baylee was crying. Millie grabbed her by both sides of the face. Baylee gently held Millie's hand that was on her face.
"You didn't know. If you had known I know you wouldn't have gone. I know you and I know your heart. You have a good heart and you would not have dare gone near that boy. Maybe the old you would have but not you now." Millie said.
"Your the first person to ever have hope in me." Baylee said.
"And your the first person who ever truly loved me for me. I didn't tell you I was famous because for most people that would make them follow but I knew you'd have been repelled. Your the first person that has ever wanted to be friends with the real me. Now you have to do better ok? For me and the baby." Millie said.
"I'll try to do better I promise." Baylee said. Millie got up and sat in Baylee's lap facing her and hugged her tight. Baylee hugged Millie tight too.
"I can feel your stomach contracting." Baylee smiled. Millie pulled back and they were face to face.
"You know your allowed to feel whenever right?" Millie said. Baylee held her hand up and Millie took it and set it on the spot. Baylee gently pulled Millie's shirt up and felt. She smiled. I'm going to do it Millie thought. I'm going to tell her how I feel.
"Baylee...?" Millie said.
"Yes?" Baylee said and met Millie's eyes.
"N-nothing. They said you could go home when you woke up." Millie said completely chickening out of her plan.
"Oh your ready to go home?" Baylee said.
"Y-yeah." Millie said. Baylee hopped up still holding Millie. She gently set Millie down.
"Were you ever worried about him stealing me?" Millie said and smirked.
"Pff no." Baylee said honestly.
"Why no?" Millie asked.
"Because. We all make mistakes and I think you learned from yours after being with Jacob." Baylee said. Millie laughed a little.
"Yeah... do you really already like some one?" Millie asked.
"That... is for me to know and you to find out now lets go." Baylee said.
"Can you at least give me a hint?" Millie said.
"No because I don't want you to know or for them to find out because I'm chicken." Baylee said.
"What if they told you they liked you?" Millie said.
"I'd like to think I'd admit it to them but knowing me... I'd act like it was no big deal." Baylee said. They ran into Mrs. Brown in the hall ending their conversation. They went home.
They got in bed but Millie couldn't sleep.