#1 | Limerence ❀ Dutch van der Linde

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Title: "Limerence"

Pairing: Dutch van der Linde x Female Reader

Warnings: none


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She looked so out of place—in that run-down saloon, surrounded by country men and the strong stench of alcohol impregnating the air

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She looked so out of place—in that run-down saloon, surrounded by country men and the strong stench of alcohol impregnating the air. With her soft and carefully brushed (h/c) hair, her face clean of make-up and her gorgeous dark red dress, this beautiful woman caught the attention of each and every man in the saloon, but none dared even stare at her breath-taking figure for longer than a few seconds.

Dutch van der Linde may have been the only exception.

He could not bring himself to divert his eyes away from that incredible woman of outstanding beauty. The man had never seen or heard about a woman of such beauty, perfection. Even when she was standing merely a few feet away, it still felt so unreal to the gang leader. However, she was real—and only someone so magnificent and pretty could hold and keep what Dutch desired the most at the moment.

The tall, well-dressed man standing next to this wonderful female looked just as out of place as she did. Judging by the conversation he maintained with a couple of wealthy men sitting at one of the many tables in the saloon, Dutch soon learned he, Sebastian, was the father of the beautiful woman. Not only that, but he was also the leader of a very important and successful business—successful business meant huge earnings.

Her beauty caught his attention, but it was her family's wealth and power what definitely drew Dutch in to take the first step. And the second. With confidence, he approached the pretty lady, still holding his drink in his hand as he brushed his raven black hair back with his fingers. 

Her father had sat with the other men, barely paid attention to his daughter. She stood behind his chair, peacefully reading a small book. Dutch subtly moved to stand by her side, and instantly sent her a charming smile as soon as she shifted her gaze from her book towards him. To his relief, she returned the smile.

"Good evening, miss," he kept the smile on his lips as she turned fully around to face him, closing the book as she did so. "I am very sorry to interrupt your reading, but..." he paused, and with his eyes he scanned once again her beautiful face. "I couldn't help myself but wonder how someone so graceful like yourself could be in a place like this?" he gestured with his hand around, glancing briefly at his surroundings before he met her hypnotizing (e/c) eyes.

Her cheeks turned a soft pinkish colour, Dutch noticed quickly. "I could ask you the exact same thing, mister," she responded truthfully, smiling sweetly at him.

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