#14 | Shy O'Driscoll ❀ Kieran Duffy [request]

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Requester(s): hoemelas

Title: "Shy O'Driscoll"

Pairing: Kieran Duffy x Gender Neutral Reader

Warnings: none


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Waking up to the alluring smell of brewing coffee was a privilege not everyone could have, and (y/n) was quite grateful they were one of the lucky ones that could

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Waking up to the alluring smell of brewing coffee was a privilege not everyone could have, and (y/n) was quite grateful they were one of the lucky ones that could.

Only a few members of the gang were up and about by the time they got out of bed, and (y/n) was quick to serve themselves the very first cup of coffee before anybody else did. They brought the tin cup to their mouth, and sipped slowly the warm coffee as they stood by the campfire, (e/c) eyes lazily scanned their surroundings.

Unlike any other day, the camp remained peaceful. The few gang members that were awake were too engrossed with their own thing to even acknowledge their fellow outlaw standing by the fire, already drinking their first dose of daily caffeine—not even Miss Grimshaw seemed to be in the mood to holler orders, for now; something unusual of her. (y/n) appreciated the tranquility, nonetheless.

After a quick glance around, (y/n) counted whoever was awake. They saw Arthur first, sketching something in his journal whilst sitting on his cot. Then, both Dutch and Hosea already chattering quietly by the leader's tent. Some of the girls were also awake, Mary-Beth and Tilly, already busy washing some shirts. No one else seemed to be up.

Or so (y/n) thought, until they turned to look at the hitching post; somehow not surprised in the least, their gaze fell on a certain not-an-O'Driscoll already by the horses. 

Kieran loved horses, it was clear as water.

(y/n) chuckled quietly as they observed the cute boy grooming their very own horse, a stunning Leopard Blanket Appaloosa, which they had named Callus*. Besides his own steed, Kieran Duffy seemed to have quite an apparent love for the Appaloosa—still didn't surprise (y/n), since Callus was the friendliest horse out of the lot.

Sighing softly, (y/n) served a second cup of coffee before they made their way to the hitching post. They did it so quietly, Kieran hadn't noticed their presence, even when they stood right behind him. Seemed like he was too focused on feeding Callus some sugar cubes to even acknowledge he wasn't alone anymore.

They smiled at how Callus shook his head approvingly, after being fed the sugary treat. They could hear Kieran chuckling softly to himself, most likely proud to have earned the Appaloosa's trust.

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