#15 | Sleepless Nights ❀ Lenny Summers

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Title: "Sleepless Nights"

Pairing: Lenny Summers x Female Reader

Warnings: none


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Lenny had tried his best, but anything he did turned out being a fruitless attempt at falling asleep

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Lenny had tried his best, but anything he did turned out being a fruitless attempt at falling asleep.

He no longer knew how long had it been since he'd gone to bed, but he could tell it'd been a long time ago, judging by the leftover ashes from the campfire, no longer emitting any smoke at all.

The young outlaw loathed these random sleepless nights, which, much to his dismay, happened more often than not, depriving him from his well-needed rest. All he could do on nights like this was stare at the tent's ceiling, emitting tired sighs every once in a while, hoping for the morning sun to finally make its daily appearance over the horizon line.

Tonight he felt particularly restless. No position helped him feel comfortable, no matter how many times he shifted around. Not like his cot was the most comfortable of places to sleep on, but he'd never had any problems—except on nights like this. Somehow, on this certain situation, his cot felt as though he had lied down directly on a wooden plank.

Roughly half an hour passed, and Lenny still lay with his brown eyes wide open.

He thought of going somewhere else; just leave his tent, and try to find something to do, keep himself busy until dawn. Working seemed like a good choice to help him kill time, until the sun decided to show up. However, something—rather, someone—stopped him from moving at all. This certain someone was lying practically on top of him, almost seemed as if they were using him as a mattress, not a pillow, to which he chuckled quietly once realization hit him.

Feeling a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, Lenny glanced down subtly at her—at the woman that had stolen his heart. She stirred in her sleep, unconsciously snuggled closer to him, if that was even humanly possible. The sight of a sleepy smile forming on her lips made Lenny's smile widen, and he couldn't hold back the urge to softly trace her jaw with his fingertips.

If sleep didn't come to claim him soon enough, he already knew what he'd be doing until dawn; admiring his lover was his most favorite pastime, he'd do that at any given moment, and now seemed to be a perfect time.

He allowed his fingers to run all over the exposed skin of her neck and shoulder, leaving feather-like touches as he moved, up until he reached her nape. Slowly, his fingers entangled in her soft hair, and began combing the strands carefully. Not really focused on his movements, Lenny subconsciously pulled her hair away, exposed more of her skin as he did so. Her whole neck was now in plain sight.

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