#8 | Safety Precautions ❀ Charles Smith

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Title: "Safety Precautions"

Pairing: Charles Smith x Female Reader

Warnings: foul language


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It was quiet among the snowed forest; no sounds interrupted the silence, with the only exception of the deer huffs and their crunching as they peacefully ate, munching on the tall blades of grass—the animals weren't at all aware of the hunter watc...

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It was quiet among the snowed forest; no sounds interrupted the silence, with the only exception of the deer huffs and their crunching as they peacefully ate, munching on the tall blades of grass—the animals weren't at all aware of the hunter watching their every move from above.

(y/n) sat comfortably—as comfortable as sitting on a rough tree branch can be—and observed the deer attentively, silently choosing her next prey.

It was time for her to hunt, and had started by first catching some rabbits. However, she was aware that she'd need more than just a few rabbits to survive out in the sharp winter cold that rapidly approached, and one of those deer seemed like the perfect piece to bring back to her small camp.

Once her gaze had settled on the biggest deer, she automatically moved her hand back to grab her bow, and a sharp arrow. Slow movements, steady breathing, gaze never breaking from the target; carefully she aimed the arrow straight at the deer's head, and took a deep breath.

The soft wind that shook the leaves all around her blew some strands of her hair in front of her eyes, which distracted her a bit. A quiet annoyed huff erupted from her as she retrieved the bow, and removed the hairs out of her face—too bothersome.

Quickly recovering her posture, (y/n) aimed the arrow again, repeating the same process; taking in a deep breath, steadily holding the bow in place. As she began to breathe out, her fingers just about to let go of the arrow, a quiet but audible whoosh broke the nice silence. It was followed by a pained shriek, and before she could react at all, the deer she was more than ready to kill laid dead on the snowed ground, with a large arrow embedded in its head—right in between its eyes.

(y/n) put the bow down, and with eyes wide open she stared at the now dead deer. The rest had fled as soon as the first hit the ground, and most likely were no longer near the scene.

Rustling from below her position startled her, making her instantly look down; a tall man stood by her tree, putting back his bow as he slowly made his way to the dead animal. She stared at the man in shock, as she had truly believed she had been the only one crazy enough to go hunting in that area; large wolves and dangerous grizzlies were out and about, and (y/n) had been lucky enough to find deer still alive and well.

It shocked her more the fact that she had not heard the man arriving.

Said man knelt by the animal and took out the arrow stuck in its head with ease, cleaned it meticulously with a small cloth before putting it back in his quiver. And just as easy as he had taken the arrow, he picked up the dead deer and slung it over his shoulder; the deer's head wobbled lifeless as the stranger walked away, back the way he had come.

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