#12 | Under The Stars ❀ John Marston [request]

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Requester(s): CelestialGlory

Title: "Under The Stars"

Pairing: John Marston x Blind!Female Reader

Warnings: foul language

Note: I have just finished writing this, and it's literally 2 am over here, so I have no energy left to double check for misspelling errors. If there are any mistakes, I deeply apologize! I'll come back later to fix them!


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Another restless night

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Another restless night.

Save for the soft breeze that shook the trees and bushes behind his sitting form, causing a subtle rustling to echo all around, the area surrounding the camp remained in complete silence.

John Marston sat in complete solitude by the riverside, being the only one awake from camp, and stared up at the starred sky, deep in thought. Moments like this helped him clear his head, though chaos still reigned deep within him regardless.

Nightmares plagued his dreams every night. It had almost become routine for him—wake up in the middle of the night, panting and sweating, with guilt and remorse swarming his senses completely. It'd been so long, yet it still felt so present.

John remembered perfectly the moment his life turned upside down.

Dutch had taken most of the gang with him to a bank robbery; a big job, without a doubt, where he needed all the help he could get. John had participated, and so did two of the girls at camp: Karen and (y/n). Both girls had to play a distraction until the others were done, that was all they had to do. And his job had been to ensure their safety.

However, the outlaw, even now, wasn't sure of what had gone wrong.

One moment, everything was going smoothly, according to plan; the next, explosions shook the whole place, smoke conquered the air, and gunshots came from everywhere and nowhere. Amongst the chaos, John had lost sight of the two girls.

It was then when he had heard Karen screaming, her figure suddenly appeared from among the smoke, with (y/n)'s unconscious and bloody body in her arms as she dragged her away from the massacre. It was in that exact moment that John knew he had failed his one and only mission.

Although (y/n) survived; but paid a high price—she lost her sight.

John hadn't been able to stop himself from blaming it all on his persona. He had one job, and had failed miserably at it. Nobody, not even Hosea, could make him think otherwise; he was the only one to blame for her blindness.

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