#2 | Trouvaille ❀ Arthur Morgan

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Title: "Trouvaille"

Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Female Reader

Warnings: none


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Only the sound of his steed's hooves pressing onto the long, fresh blades of grass could be heard among the eerie quietness that plagued the large forest.

Arthur was more than used to travelling alone, through busy towns and buzzing cities, vast extensions of corn fields and quiet forests. But this new area he'd never heard of before, never gone through it until that night. It was uncharted territory. And uncharted territory meant trouble more often than not.

He pulled at the reins subtly, made his horse slow down his trot to a quiet walk. The hooves barely made a sound now, but even then Arthur didn't feel safe. As he went through the dark forest, he constantly had the feeling that someone was watching his every move; someone had their eyes firmly trained on his figure, following him, stalking him. Observing him.

Arthur knew he wasn't alone.

Soon a lonely thin vermillion line hovered just over the horizon, having the sun already gone down. The night fell upon him within minutes, and the forest turned to be even more mysterious and dangerous as darkness consumed everything around him. The echoing howls of wolves reached his ears, and his steed's—the horse grew tense, and he had to pat his neck softly to calm him.

"It's alright, boy," Arthur mumbled quietly, causing the animal to huff softly. The wolves seemed to be far away, not too close for Arthur to get worried about being ambushed by a whole pack. He had hope.

But the next howl sounded extremely close. So close, Arthur knew the wolf had to be within sight. The deep growling that followed frightened his horse as he neighed loudly, rearing rapidly. Arthur tried to calm him, fruitlessly, but the steed was too scared to be reasoned with. Before he could avoid it, Arthur was thrown to the ground. He landed with a loud thud, and a pained groan erupted from him.

"Goddamnit..." Arthur grumbled out as his horse ran off, leaving him behind with nothing but his pistol and a knife.

The growling grew closer, louder, deeper. Arthur quickly stood up and unholstered his gun, ready to kill whatever was about to attack him. He froze on the spot when his eyes fell upon the large figure of a black wolf that stood merely a few feet away from him, a lonely ray of moonlight seeped through the thick trees branches and landed directly on the canine. The animal stayed still, snarling but barely showing its sharp teeth. Its eyes were an intense blue colour; although beautiful, they were quite unsettling. A shiver shook his whole being as the wolf growled again lowly, menacingly.

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