#3 | Limerence P.2 ❀ Dutch van der Linde

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Title: "Limerence P.2"

Pairing: Dutch van der Linde x Female Reader

Warnings: none


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Saint Denis was quite a ways away from Clemens Point, but Dutch never cared

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Saint Denis was quite a ways away from Clemens Point, but Dutch never cared.

After meeting (y/n) in that decrepit saloon, it seemed as if his mind wasn't his own. She completely ensorcelled his being with her beauty, enchanting eyes and enticing touches. There wasn't a minute in the day where his mind didn't go back to the precise moment he laid eyes on this outstanding woman. The mere thought of seeing her again, as slim as the possibilities were, was strong enough to make Dutch traverse across Lemoyne, and reach the other coast of the territory; Saint Denis.

Not long had passed since the day they met, but it felt like an eternity for the gang leader. Dutch had already lost count of the times he'd travelled down to Saint Denis, in hopes of finding (y/n) again—her beautiful face and enchanting aura were worth suffering the long and tiring journey. He went to Bastille Saloon countless of times, but not once did he ever find the subject of his deep desire. He would always recognise her father, Sebastian speaking to other rich men while playing poker and laughing obnoxiously loud. He caught the proud father showing off how he was teaching his own daughter the ropes of his business on more than one occasion, although (y/n) was never present.

After many attempts at finding her, and after many days searching tirelessly all over the buzzing city, Dutch decided to break the routine of travelling every day to Saint Denis in vain. But he didn't stay at the camp, like his faithful gang fellers had expected—hoped. After attempting one last time to find her—fruitlessly—, the day after he left very early in the morning—before the sun rose. No one at camp noticed.

It was somewhat dark; the sky just started turning a soft orange as the sunrise drew near. By the time the large star was already rising from the horizon, Dutch stopped his loyal steed. He'd allowed his horse to trot wherever he wanted, guide him wherever the animal felt like going. After sparing a quick glance around him, Dutch noticed he had almost reached the Heartlands. He had gone way up North, almost made the same distance from Clemens Point to Saint Denis. In a way, he hadn't really escaped his routine.

He stopped his horse by a small hill, and let him munch peacefully on the fresh blades of grass there. With a sigh, Dutch strolled towards the edge of the hill and sat on a big rock protruding from the ground. He faced east as he mindlessly took out a cigar from his pocket, pinned it between his lips and with a swift movement he lit it up. With yet another sigh, a puff of smoke escaped his lips.

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