Chapter 2 - The Dress

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"God, why do women have to have so many clothing stores," Steve grumbled beside you as the two of you walked into Barneys.

You had spent the better part of Saturday morning convincing Steve that he had to come with you to buy a dress instead of him just giving you his fancy ass black card and letting you go shopping, and when he finally agreed to come he complained the entire time.

"You know, for someone who's asking me for a favor here you sure as shit know how to complain about it." You retorted,

"Well, I was expecting you to walk into the first store and pick something then we'd go get drunk on mimosas or something not walk to fifty fucking stores and still not find anything!"

"Do you want me to look like a cave troll or like Cinderella?"

"I mean I prefer Snow White but if Cinderella's the best you can do, I'll take it-Ow!"

You punched him in the shoulder again just as one of the store girls walked up to the two of you, a smile on her face.

"Hi, welcome to Barneys, can I be of assistance?" She asked in a pleasant voice,

And almost immediately dorky Steve Rogers disappears and smooth, charming flirtatious Steve takes over. He flashed a gorgeous smile at her, and very smoothly run his fingers through his hair and across his jaw before he talked. It was ridiculously attractive to any woman, except you of course because you knew him and what a giant ass he was.

"Hi gorgeous," Steve said, "You can help me actually, my friend here is going to a wedding and we need to find her a dress that makes her look less like a cave troll and more like Cinderella,"

You rolled your eyes at him but his comments amused her and she giggled.

"Of course, Upstairs on the right is our formalwear. I could show you? If you'd like?" She said,

"No it's fine, I think we can find it on our own but if I get lost, I'll come to find you," Steve replied looking at her name tag, "Lily, ahh that's a pretty name."

"Okay casanova, let's go," You sighed grabbing him by the arm and dragging him away from her before you had to endure him flirting with her any longer. Steve gave her one last charming smile and a quick wave before the two of you hopped onto the escalator and headed upstairs to find you a dress.

Twenty minutes later, Steve sat or rather sprawled himself out on one of the chairs in front of the changing rooms, in his lap were the ten dresses you made him carry but he seemed unbothered by this as he scrolled through his phone.

"What about this?" You walked out of the dressing room wearing a short pink dress, it was pretty, prettier than most of the things you had tried on. Steve looked up from his seat, his sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose and he just shook his head.

"Too pink," Steve waved you off. You sighed and turned around not bothering to argue with him about it because the last three times you argued with him about the dress he won in some way.

Unzipping it quickly, you pulled on the next one, this was dress number ten for the day and you were just about ready to kill someone, and that someone is Steve Rogers. Even though he was buying this dress for you, Steve was being annoyingly picky about the kind of dress you wore and the two of you just bickered about it the entire time. It wasn't like he was even going to be wearing the dress, no. he just wanted to be difficult about it because he could be.

The last dress you pulled on was a simple strapless long black dress, it was different than all the other dresses you had tried on that day and the most expensive with lace and silk. The zipper to the dress was at the back and you were unable to pull it up so holding it onto your body you stepped out out the dressing room and waited for Steve to look up.

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