Chapter 3 - The Argument

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The sounds of boisterous laughter, clinking glasses and silver cutlery rang through the dining room. The other guests all attributing to the happy sounds in the room.

You sat beside Steve listening to his mother fuss over how he never visits them and how she wishes he would visit more, and how she can't wait to see him get married one day, which caused all the eyes at the table to turn towards you. This comment made you squirm uncomfortably in your seat for some reason but you just laughed it off, citing you and him were very far off from such things.

Steve threw you a look that just screamed 'help me' and you felt some modicum of pity for him, his family was intense, to say the least, and even you were having a hard time keeping up.

In attendance to this dinner were the groomsmen and the bridesmaids, along with a few of the bride and groom's friends. You knew at least a few people, two of whom being Sam and Bucky, who had arrived earlier that day while you were taking a nap. It made dinner a little easier having people you knew besides Steve around, but a few drinks in it and it got easier to talk to everyone.

"So how did you two meet?" His mother asked, smiling brightly at you from across the table, she was clearly expecting some meet-cute story and you thanked God you two had rehearsed the story earlier but somehow you found yourself panicking slightly at the lie you were about to tell.

"Oh, Uhh, funny story, actually," You stuttered, but Steve took over for you flawlessly,

"We met in college," He said looking at you, the mischievous glint in his eyes told you he was going to say some dumb shit and you internally groaned. This was not the story you two had rehearsed. "it's the best story ever."

"Tell me, I want to hear it." His mom prompted, waiting patiently, other guests now also listening in on the story.

"It was our first day of college, orientation to some bullshit class I didn't care about," Steve said and his mother rolled her eyes playfully at him before he continued, "Anyway, I take a seat at the back of the class next to this girl who looked so eternally hungover I could practically smell the tequila on her." He grinned at you as you threw him a dirty look.

"Not even ten minutes into the class, she is passed out, leaning on me and snoring like a cricket." This earned the laughs of everyone around the table who were now listening to Steve tell this stupid story,

"Firstly, I was not snoring." You interjected shoving him slightly,

"You were and it was the cutest thing I had ever seen." Steve pulled you closer and kissed your cheek, it startles you slightly, the open show of affection, but you just go with it, it's all part of the charade, anyway, "Cut to, this pretty girl wakes up a few minutes later, mumbling an apology and asking me if she could borrow a pencil to write down her notes, because she forgot everything at her dorm room and she was hungover and didn't want to be there. Anyway, that was that and we've been friends ever since."

Steve was looking at you now, his blue eyes playful and a smile on his lips. You found yourself grinning back at him, the way he'd told the story of how you two had actually met was kind of cute, there was no denying it. If you two were actually dating, it would be a really adorable meet-cute story, but you weren't, so it meant nothing.

"And how'd you start dating?" Bucky asked sarcastically from beside Steve, and both of you throw an annoyed look in his direction. You silently hoped nobody would care but they all looked expectantly at the two of you, waiting to hear the rest of the story.

"Uh, well this is kind of embarrassing," You said shrugging, "But Steve and I got set up on a blind date with some friends and when we went on this date we realized we didn't want to be with the people we were set up with but rather each other, so we figured, hey, if fate set us up on a date by accident. we might as well give it a try and here we are."

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