Chapter 4 - The Family

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"We should surf today, the weather is amazing," Sam said sitting across from you at the breakfast table.

"I'm down with that," Steve nodded,

"Since when do you surf?" You looked at him with an arched eyebrow,

"Since forever, cricket."

"Don't call me cricket you fuck-" You began to say but quickly stopped yourself when Steve's parents walked up to the breakfast table.

"Morning everyone," Maria said with a smile, beside her Howard just gave a grunt to the group and seated himself at the head of the table before pulling open his newspaper and proceeding to ignore everyone.

"How'd everyone sleep?" His mom asked as she took a sip of her coffee which the waitress had appeared with almost immediately as she sat down. Clearly, the Starks came here often, the waitstaff seemed to already know what both of them wanted and were already bringing out their breakfast.

"Like a baby," You said,

"Literally, you snored all night." Steve said pulling a face at you and you had to resist the urge to punch him in front of his mother, because fake girlfriends don't hit their fake boyfriends in front of their parents.

"Ass," You muttered quietly to him, Steve just grinned at you and winked playfully at you.

For some reason, the way he looked at you and winked sent a flush running straight through you, and you had no idea why. Steve was always winking at you why the fuck was this suddenly different?

Steve leaned back in his seat and put his arm around the back of your chair, and the two of you were a lot closer to each other than you were expecting, you could feel his fingertips softly running across your bare shoulder.

He started talking to his mom about something and you really couldn't focus on anything with him so close to you, all the years of being friends with him, casually sitting next to each other or being in the same bed had never made you feel like this. Maybe it was the fact that you were both pretending to fake date, or not, you had no idea but now looking up at his face, the way he smiled, those damn blue eyes and blonde hair, it stirred something deep down inside you.

Oh Fuck. No, no, no!

Shoving those thoughts out of mind, you were silent for the rest of breakfast. Your mind was suddenly preoccupied with thoughts of just what the hell you were doing here and why the fuck you were looking at Steve differently. You weren't some moony-eyed bimbo who found him irresistible, you knew what an ass he could be.


"You're quiet this morning," Steve noted as the two of you walked down the pathway after breakfast towards the beach. Sam had insisted him and Steve surf and you just wanted to lay in the sun and read a book for a few hours so you had agreed to go with them.

"Just tired." You shrugged knowing full well he wouldn't buy that answer for a second.

"Bullshit, what's up?"

"Nothing I-" You began to say but were cut off when Bucky practically launched himself at you and grabbed you by the waist, slinging you over his shoulder. You yelped and dropped all the items you were holding watching Steve's face go from surprised to slightly annoyed as Bucky carried you off.

"Bucky, for fucks sake put me down." You exclaimed hitting the brunette on the shoulder repeatedly.

Bucky laughed and set you down gently on the sand, mussing your hair as he did so.

"Why are you so fucking weird," You laughed,

"What?" He shrugged with a grin, "I was going to throw you into the water but I thought about it and realized that you're kind of a psycho and that would be a bad idea."

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