Chapter 6 - The Wedding

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It was six in the morning when you woke from your restless sleep in Sam's room. He had given you the bed and was asleep on the nearby couch, snoring lightly and laying in a very uncomfortable looking position. You feel a little guilty for making him sleep on the couch but he didn't seem to mind, in fact, he insisted.

Last night when he found you in the hallway alone and crying like an idiot, he immediately took you to his room without even asking what happened. It was as if he already knew. He let you sleep in one of his t-shirts and said you could stay as long as you wanted but, for all his niceness, you still felt like shit.

Sighing tiredly you slipped out of the bed and gathered up your things before quickly getting changed into your dress from last night. You scribbled a quick note for Sam on the notepad on the side of the bed and quietly left the room.

You had to go back to the suite you shared with Steve, you didn't have a choice. All your clothes were in there and the last thing you needed was one of his family members seeing you still wearing last nights clothes sneaking through the hallways. So you walked back to the suite in the dead of the morning, hesitating at the door for a moment.

You had no idea what you were going to say to Steve about where you were or why you'd rushed off like that last night. Actually, you did know what you wanted to say to him but you knew you couldn't say that the only thing that came to mind was that he broke rule number one, Don't hook up with anyone while you're here.

It just felt so much worse that it had to be his ex-girlfriend.

Taking a deep breath you swiped your keycard at the door and pushed it open, quietly stepping in.

You were surprised to see Steve already awake, he was sitting on one of the couches frowning down at his phone and the moment he hears you walk in, he shoots to his feet.

"Hey." He said softly, you can see the guilt on his face.

"Hey." You muttered in return, walking past him towards the bedroom.

"Are you okay?"


There's a pause and he followed you to the room, waiting hesitantly at the door for you to say something to him, anything but you say nothing.

"Where'd you sleep last night?" Steve asked, "Bucky's?"

You looked at him with a frown, why the hell would he assume you went to Bucky's room.

"Sam's room, and, even if I had gone to Bucky's room, is that a problem?"

"No, I just assumed because of last night, you two...disappeared together."

"Is that what this is about?" You exclaimed frustratedly, "Because I disappeared with him?"

"What? No, I don't care who you sleep with-"

"Sleep with him?! Are you an actual fucking moron?! Why would I sleep with him? I am here, as your date!" You yelled, a little louder than you had expected, but you were thoroughly taken aback that Steve thought you'd gone off to sleep with Bucky.

"I just mean that-"

"No, just don't. You slept with someone else, Steve, not me!"

"Cricket -"

"Ugh shut up Steve, can we drop it, I am not in the mood to talk about this anymore." You snapped, it was a little harsher than you had intended but you suddenly had a headache and seeing Steve had brought up those feelings inside you, again, and you really didn't want to deal with them this early in the morning. Especially not after what you had seen him doing just a few hours ago.

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