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A soft knock on the door draws your attention away from your task at that moment, you looked up to see Steve push open the door to the suite and walk in.

He wore a black tuxedo, and in his hand, he held a silk black bowtie and you already knew why he was here.

"Isn't it bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding?" You asked rising to your feet with a smile, immediately stepping into his outstretched arms.

"No that's a stupid rule," He replied kissing you the moment his arms wrapped around you, "Besides I have something for you,"

Steve reached into the pocket of his suit jacket and pulled out a familiar looking emerald necklace. It was the same one he had given you just over a year ago when you stood in the exact same place for Tony's wedding.

"Oh my god, you kept it!" You exclaimed and Steve nodded, grinning at you. He motioned for you to turn around so that he could put it on and you did so.

"Of course I kept it, this necklace meant a little more than I may have let on," He said softly as he placed it over your neck and shut the clasp.

"What do you mean?" You asked, confused.

"This was my mothers, it was the first piece of jewelry my father ever bought her and I inherited it to give it to my wife, before Tony's wedding my mom well second mom, gave it to me, and told me to give it to you."

"Steve..." You said feeling breathless by his confession. He had given you this necklace as a symbol of something all that while ago before you two had even gotten together.

"So yeah, I knew you were going to be my wife even then," He grinned at you and you couldn't find the words at that moment, so instead you turned around and kissed him deeply.

"Are you ready?" He asked softly when you broke the kiss,

"I have been for a while," You grinned,

"Okay, let's go make you Mrs. Rogers then," Steve slipped his hand into yours, both of you smiling like fools in love at each other.


"Ugh, I am so hungover." You groaned rolling over and snuggling closer to Steve. It was Saturday morning, the two of you had spent the night celebrating your wedding reception with Bucky and Sam and the rest of your families. Needless to say, it was an entire shitshow, that somehow ended up with you and Steve drunkenly eating pizza at two in the morning in your hotel suite.

"Shhh, don't talk." He replied, "The room is spinning."

You let out a quick laugh as you watched Steve wince and throw his arm over his face dramatically.

"Why did we let those two talk us into doing all those shots," You muttered, your mouth feeling as dry as cotton from way too much alcohol.

"Because we are weak willed and have no self-control."

"That is true."

Steve finally opened his eyes and looked down at you snuggled up against him, and smiled. It had been a year since you two had decided to officially start dating, much to the excitement of your friends and family, Steve's mom even sent goddamn flowers and champagne when she heard the news, his family was dramatic you'd come to learn.

To say the least, this had been the best fucking year of your life. Being in love with your best friend was the most satisfying feeling in the world, neither of you had to go through that awkward finding things out about each other period, or wondering how the other feels.

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