Chapter 7 - The Day After

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That kiss, that damned kiss. It stunned you, left you breathless, made your heart jump with elation. It was the kind of kiss that you know, even if you were a hundred years old and had amnesia, you would remember.

When Steve's lips left yours, the two of you realized the music had stopped and it was just the two of you left on the dance floor. There was a pause and you looked around to find everyone staring and then all of them were applauding the two of you.

"Well, this is mortifying." You muttered ducking your head as Steve laughed and the two of you rushed off the dance floor towards the nearest bar.

But before the two of you had a chance to say a single word to each other about that kiss, Tony was pulling Steve away demanding he come and be a part of the photos with his other groomsmen. That left you at the bar to get as many drinks in you as you could.

"Well, well, was that part of the charade?" Sam slow clapped as he walked up to you with Bucky in tow.

"Ugh, not you two." You groaned and downed the shot of tequila the bartender had just put down in front of you.

"So, what's happening then? You two finally come to your senses?" Bucky asked he signaled the bartender for more shots.

"I don't know, I can't answer any of your's just, I..." You sighed and shook your head, you couldn't explain it in a way they would understand.

"You're in love with him." Bucky finished your thought for you,

"What?!" You burst out laughing, "No, no, no, Me and Steve? Oh, god, no Nah, no definitely, why would you? That's insane. No."

Sam and Bucky stared at you with a deadpan expression, neither of them seemed amused by this idea.

"Fuck," You sighed, "I am in love with him."

"Fucking finally!" Sam exclaimed.

"Took you long enough!" Bucky added with an exasperated nod.

"What? You guys knew?"

"Babe, we all knew from the moment you two met each other. Why do you think neither of us tried anything with you?" Sam said.

"Wait what, seriously?"

"Yes, you dumb fuck, you are so fucking hot do you honestly think we wouldn't try and sleep with you if we had the chance and you're single!" Bucky rolled his eyes.

You looked at the two of them unsure of how to process this information. Had it really been that obvious that you were in love with Steve from the moment you met him? Obviously, you had been denying your feelings for him all along, or you would have said something but you had spent so long telling yourself you would ruin a relationship with him and it was better off if you two were just friends that you hid those feelings.

And now here at this wedding, fake dating had brought those feelings to surface and you had to find out if he felt the same way.

"But that doesn't mean he feels the same way." You retorted when you thought about it, if he did, he wouldn't have slept with that girl from the other night.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," Sam replied.

"I have to find Steve." You said quickly shoving the drink in your hand into Bucky's.

"Yes. Yes, you do."

You began to walk away and stopped turning around to the two of them with a smile, "Oh, and thanks, you two are assholes, but, I love you."

"Yeah, yeah, go get your man!" Bucky waved you off and Sam laughed.


You walked around the reception trying to find Steve, even asked his mother if she'd seen him and Tony but none of them had. Eventually, you gave up and opted to steal two bottles of champagne from the reception and head down to the beach, a few meters away.

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