Chapter 9 - The Letter

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You were sitting at your desk at work when the flowers arrived. It was totally unexpected, at first when the delivery boy approached you, you had thought it was for your boss or something. But then he asked for you by name and placed the massive bouquet of red roses on your desk with a smile before asking you to sign for it.

You signed for it with a frown and then pulled out the card that was attached to it. Your heart jumping in your chest when you see who it's from.

'You deserve the whole world, I am sorry. - Stevie.'

You looked at the card in your hand for a full minute before Wanda bounded up to your desk excitedly and squealed in delight at the sight of them.

"Oh my god! Are these from Erik?!" She exclaimed eyeing them excitedly.

"No." Was all you said before you tucked the card into your handbag on your desk, you really didn't want to explain why Steve was sending you flowers because you didn't understand it yourself.

"Oh, then who? Is it that guy on the 44th floor? He's had a crush on you since forever."

"I don't know, there was no note." You lied.

"Ahh, disappointing, but, what a beautiful bouquet."

You let Wanda gush on for a little while longer before you excused yourself from your desk, needing to get some air and away from those roses that were screaming at you to call Steve and talk to him.

You had been good for a few weeks, not thinking about Steve, hanging out with Erik a little more, you two had even shared a kiss the other night. You were good, until Steve had sent those roses and, suddenly, you weren't anymore.

All those feelings come rushing back and you're sad again, you missed him more than you care to admit. Every moment alone spent thinking about him brought on that inherent sadness of not having him in your life anymore.

Packing up your stuff for the day, you left the roses on your desk and headed out of the office. It was a long subway ride back to your apartment and you tiredly trudged up the stairs when you arrived, wishing the summer weather would let up just a little and Autumn in New York could arrive.

Your feet tiredly hit the landing of your floor as you took the last step up the flight. Rummaging around your purse for a moment you pulled out your apartment keys and finally looked up, stopping short when you see Steve standing at your door.

He is leaning against the wall, hands jammed into the pockets of his jeans, NASA baseball cap pulled low over his face. The moment he sees you though he straightened up and both of you froze just looking at each other.

"Hi." He said releasing a shaky breath.


You slowly walked up to him, unsure of what to say to him. It had been six weeks since you last saw him or heard from him. He had called you a few times but you'd always ignored the call, you weren't ready to speak to him yet.

"I...we-" He hesitated, "How are you?"

"I am good." Your response seemed curt and cold, this hurt him.

He waited a moment as you unlocked your apartment and pushed open the door, you walked in and paused for a moment, Steve doesn't follow you inside so you turn around and wait for him.

"You can come inside, Steve." You sighed and walked further into your apartment.

The fact that you were letting him inside was good enough for him, Steve felt a little hope bloom in his chest as he walked into your familiar home which had been a part of his life for so long.

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