Chapter 1 - The Agreement

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Steve Rogers had no concern for social norms and dress sense as he walked beside you looking like he was still a college frat boy wearing a white t-shirt, blue jeans and his baseball cap on backward. One would never say he grew up in a household with more money than Bill Gates and the Queen of England.

Around his work colleagues, Steve was polite and proper but his vernacular changed to straight Brooklyn crass resident the moment they disappeared from sight.

"I need a goddamn drink," Steve muttered beside you, "It's been a long day,"

"A long day of doing what exactly?" You snorted slinging your bag over your shoulder as the two of you exited the massive building which was home to your office.

"Stuff," He shrugged,

"Uh huh,"

Steve was loaded, as in dad was a billionaire and that made him a billionaire and it also made him pretty much have everything he wanted in life. He went to college for shits and giggles really, and he worked for his dad's company, not much else to it. He never had to work, he just chose to show up to the office every day, fuck around for a couple of hours and then go home and pretend he worked so hard.

Of course, you never blamed him. It's not like he asked to have rich parents or at least that's what you said sarcastically to him every time he complained.

"Shall we go to my place and drink?" He offered, putting on his sunglasses and completing his douchebag frat boy look.

"No, I have work to do,"

"Ditch it."

"And I have a paper due,"

"I honestly don't understand why you're still doing your honors, what a colossal waste of-"

"Says the guy who fucking studied art history as a major," You snorted derisively in his general direction. This earned you a playful shove from Steve, you always made fun of him for what he studied in college but truth be told, Steve was an amazing artist and no one could deny it. You had several of his notebooks filled with drawings on your bookshelf at home.

"Come onnn, you never want to hang out with me anymore," Steve whined,

"That's because you're always hanging out with those ghouls you call conquests,"

Steve laughed, "Coming from the resident cave troll- Ow! Ouch! Okay I am kidding, stop hitting me." he said quickly as you repeatedly punched his arm even though he was so ridiculously muscular it probably didn't hurt whatsoever.

The two of you walked down the sidewalk towards the subway, he didn't have to take the subway because his dad could probably buy the subway but he did anyway. The bustling platform was filled with people entering or exiting it, everyone slowly milling out of their offices and heading home or to start their shifts.

"So we're going to my place right?"


"Fine, I'll bring the drinks to you?"

"You're relentless,"

"I know, it's one of my many many charms, cricket."

"Don't call me cricket." You retorted when he used the nickname he gave you back in freshman year of college. It was an unfortunate nickname he'd given you before the two of you had become friends when he sat next to you in one of your college classes and you had fallen asleep on him and apparently snored like a cricket.

Steve laughed loudly, garnering the attention of a few passersby who threw the two of you annoyed looks for no reason.

"It's so hot, let's just get drunk god damn it. If you do this one thing for me, I'll make you dinner"

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