Chapter 5 - The Rehearsal Dinner

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The next morning Steve woke before you did, slowly rolling over he turned to look at you for a moment a grin spreading across his face as he heard you snore slightly.

"Just a like a cricket." He chuckled softly.

"I'm awake, you piece of shit." You muttered cracking open an eye to glare at him.

Steve burst out laughing at your response and ducked out the way when you tossed one of the pillows at him.

"Well good morning to you too, Grumplestiltskin." He said, getting out of the bed and stretching. You hadn't noticed last night, but Steve was sleeping in nothing else but his boxers, you should have said something sooner, because you suddenly found yourself staring at his body.

He turned around, placing his hands on his hips and looked at you, "Get it? Grumplestiltskin? Like Rumplestiltskin?"

"I get it, moron, You don't have to explain it." You rolled your eyes, quickly looking away from his body, although it was really hard not to stare. He was built like a brick shithouse and you wondered how the hell you hadn't noticed before how attractive he was.

"Should we get room service? I am lazy as shit to go down and get breakfast." He asked raising his arms over his head and stretching again, the muscles on his shoulders and arms bulging once again.

You turned your gaze towards the windows, pretending to look outside as he did so, you felt heat flood your cheeks and silently prayed Steve hadn't seen you staring at his ridiculously sculpted back muscles because the last thing you needed was him figuring out that you may be developing a little crush on him. Man, you hated your stupid girl brain sometimes.

"Yeah, sounds good, I would like a do nothing day." You replied.

Steve nodded and walked over to the phone aside the bed, he picked it up and dialed the front desk, waiting a moment for someone to pick up. While Steve ordered breakfast you rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom, emerging a few minutes later, having used the bathroom and brushed your teeth, to find Steve still in his boxers flipping through the pay per view selection on the TV.

"What are you doing?" You laughed hopping up onto the bed beside him.

"I was looking for some porn to jack it to, since I can't sleep with any of the bridesmaids, but, then, I decided to wait till I shower to do that-Ow, ow, stop hitting me." He said, laughing at your reaction once more.

"You're such a pig."

"But, you love me."

"Debatable." You rolled your eyes.

Just then there was a knock at the door, assuming it was the room service you went to answer it. But when you opened the door you were surprised to see Steve's mom standing at the door.

"Oh, shit," You swore, unintentionally, "I mean, Hi...Mrs. Stark."

"Good Morning, Y/N," She said with an amused smile, "I was just checking up-"

She was interrupted by Steve who walked up to the door talking loudly, "What's taking so long, I am starving...Oh."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize the two of you were ordering room service this morning." She said her eyes moving from Steve's half-naked body to you very guilty look on your face. Of course, there was nothing going on between the two of you, but somehow you felt as if you'd been caught doing something you should have.

"It's fine, we're just being lazy pieces of shit." Steve said moving to give her a peck on the cheek and then stepped aside to let her into the room, "You can join us?"

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