The First Time (Pt. 1)

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It all started pretty much a week ago when I looked at the cast list for our school's production of West Side Story. Rachel had (obvioulsy) received the role as Maria, but I was not lucky enough to get the part as Anita. So instead, I settled for Theresa, aka just being a back-up singer. Hey, I got to wear a cute red dress that made.

Today was the day I had my fitting with Blaine for his Tony outfit. Mid-way sewing the seems to his jacket sleeve, he asked me a very interesting question.

"Listen, we both got a free period coming up-"

"I don't like going shopping with you, no." I said. Trust me, shopping with this guy is like trying to teach algebra to an eight year old.

"No, I want you to come to Dalton with me to deliver some tickets to my old friends. This is my first real production where I get to kiss someone whose not Kurt." he said.

"Just deliver tickets?" I asked.


"Will there be cute guys there?"


"Who're straight?"


"Kay, I'm in."


After a fifteen minute drive in Blaine's car, I found myself following Blaine through the halls of Dalton Academy. It was actually pretty intimidating, being surrounded by all these guys in uniforms. I'd probably die if I had to wear a uniform, I'd feel like a robot.

"Wow, this is...creepy. How do you guys tell each other apart?" I asked Blaine.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well I mean look around, we're practically surrounded by robots." I replied.

"You picked me out from the crowd." he said.

"Yeah, that's 'cause of your slick hair." I replied. He ignored my snyde comment and led me down a corridor, until we heard music. That's a distinct mark that we're getting close to the song birds. No seriously, a Warbler is a type of bird! I did not know that until thirty minutes ago.

Anyway, the music flowed through the hall and led us into the library...which I'm assuming was the practice room. That feels kind of sad.

"Uptown girl

She's been livin' in her white bread world

As long as anyone with hot blood can

And now she's looking for a downtown man

That's what I am"

The room was filled with hot guys, it made me wonder how many of them were single and straight.

"And when she knows what she wants

from her time

And when she wakes up 

and makes up her mind

It took a minute before a cute guy actually approached us. He took Blaine's arm and wanted him to join them. Of course, being modest Blaine, he refused, that is until I pushed him in. Can't be a wimp your entire life.

"She'll see I'm not so tough

Just because 

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