Christmas [2] (Rewind)

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Have you ever been stalked? One of my foster care-takers was stalked by her drug-dealing ex-boyfriend while I was in her care, then he got hit by a bus trying to follow her into an outlet mall. He lived, but he was impaired like Stephen Hawking so the care-taker didn't have anything else to worry about. Still stalking is weird. You're probably wondering why I'm bringing up stalkers during the most wonderful time of the year. I'll tell you why, because I now seem to have a stalker. He's about 6'2, wear's a lot of hairgel and pretends to hide his face behind a menu so I won't notice him. Don't know who I'm talking about? I'll give you another hint, he's the biggest Dalton Dolt I've ever met! That's right, I got a Smythe-Stalker! And it's gonna stop now.

"Hey, Tanya? Can you take table five?" I asked the other waitress. "I gotta go kill a pest."

"Sure." she shrugged and walked away, not really caring about what I had to do.

"Okay," I went over to the table and took away his menu. "First day back, a nice surprise, second day, a coincedince, but four days over? Sweetie, you have a problem!" I told him.

"I'm sorry, okay?" he said.

"What are you doing here day-after-day? Don't you have, oh I dunno, a life?" I asked. Sebastian rolled his eyes in response.

"Alright look, I need a favor." he said. I scoffed.

"You need a favor? If either of us owes either one a favor, it's you." I told him.

"Hear me out?" he asked.

"Talk then!" I exclaimed, getting the attention of other customers.

"Do you mind? This is a private conversation." I said to them. Luckily, that worked.

"Can I make you the offer, and then you can decline?" Sebastian asked me.

"Fine, offer." I said.

"My dad...he doesn't really grasp the idea of Christmas. Don't ask me why, I don't know. My mom on the other hand loves Christmas," he said.

"But...?" I asked.

"My dad is away, and Christmas is coming up. My mom is all depressed because it's just going to be the two of us, and she hates that." he replied.

"I'm not spending my Christmas at your fascist estate." I told him.

"...My house is Colonial." he said. Of course it is.

"Whatever, what's the catch?" I asked.

"Can you...could you maybe come over this weekend and help me decorate the place? My mom is going to D.C and I want to surprise her. Plus, a woman's touch around the house could never go wrong." he said. I was about to tell him to go to hell, but then a thought occured. This could be entertaining.

"Oh really? Why should I help you?" I asked, the devilish side of me deciding to come out and play.

"Because I'm charming? Handsome? Smart? Take your pick." he said.

"How about concieted? Dumb? Excessive use of intoxicating gel in the hair?" I suggested, which earned me a harsh glare.

"I cut my hair, you know?" he said.

"Why do I care?" I asked, turning and going back to the counter.

"Wait, what will it take?" he got up and followed, asking the question I had been waitin to hear through this dumb conversation. Now normally, incredibly selfish girls would take advantage of this situation and ask the rich kid for a diamond necklace or cash, but I had something different in mind.

"I want a full, written apology to my school for stealing our trophy," I started.

"You're not letting that go, are you?" he asked.

"No sir I am not, I also want you to stop stalking me at work. And instead of just staring at me for hours on end, just send a rose with a sweet little greeting card." I replied.

"Done and done." he said.

"Good, but we have to make something incredibly clear: I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this because it's Christmas, and nobody should be unhappy at Christmas." I said.

"Thank you, thank you so, so much. I owe you one." he said.

"Au contraire, you owe me a whoooole lot, Lurch. When do we start?" I asked.

"Whenever your shift ends." he replied. Is he serious? Apparently so.


Home Depot was always the best place to shop for Christmas decorations. Charlotte and I used to go to Sheets & Things, but I eventually stopped when I found out Mr. S' crazy wife, Terri, worked there. Yeah, nobody's going to forget that fake baby scheme. I mean, how pathetic! Just to get your husband to stay with you? News flash darlin', you're a nutcase!

Anyway, Sebastian and I decided to split up to cover more ground, my idea if you hadn't guessed. I was glad to get some alone time, because I wanted time to think about WHY he asked ME to help him with all this craziness? I also wanted to know, WHY did I AGREE to this craziness when I have enough of my own? I already have enough to worry about, with Rachel going on a cruise with her nutjob dads, Kurt and Burt taking shelter in my apartment and doing God knows what, not to mention now I have no idea what Smythe was doing, and that worried me even more. Maybe because after the whole trophy incident, I was still mad, and I still didn't trust him whatsoever? No matter, I had deco shopping to do.

I had seen many things in my short eighteen years, but what I loved seeing was while I had a shopping basket full of tinstle and other ornaments, I watched as Sebastian was at the end of the lane and flirting with another guy. I could tell he was flirting too, because he was leaning against the wall and looking at the guy the way he used to look at Blaine, the creep. So what's a gal like me to do? I screw it up for him.

"You asshole!" I shouted, storming over with fake fury in my eyes. "I can't leave you for two minutes and I catch you jerking off again!" Sebastian looked like a deer in the headlights, his new friend wasn't sure what was happening.

"What?" he asked.

"Don't fall his little act! I got screwed over once too many times, he's bound to flip you off too!" I told him. The guy made the right decision and walked away, probably dazed at the end of this little situation. I crossed my arms and turned to Sebastian. "What possible goal did you hope to achieve from that?" I asked him.

"I wasn't gonna pounce! I was making friends." he replied.

"We're here to help your mother, not find you a new booty call. Now either focus, or I'm out." I told him.

"Fine, I think I saw some nice Christmas trees on isle seven." he said.

"Great, I found lights, beads, and alluminum balls. Let's roll." I replied. Sebastian rolled his eyes and let me follow, probably regretting asking for my help.

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