The First Time (Pt. 2)

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I strutted back into the library, finding Blaine and that Sebastian kid still enjoying coffee. To be honest, I didn't like the looks of this guy: his hair, his smoldering eyes, the way he's talking to Blaine, this guy screamed trouble.

"Excuse me Regis and Kelly, as fun as this field trip is, Blaine and I gotta go because our free period ends in twenty minutes." I told them.

"Really? Gee I'm sorry about this." he told Sebastian.

"No worries, I gotta go anyway. Lacrosse practice. But...could we meet again? I could really use some more insights from you Blaine. You know, Warbler to Warbler." uh oh, that can't be good. Blaine better answer carefully, he's already in a well administered relationship with a strangely fashionable Kurt Hummel.

"Sure." smooth, not too smooth. Sebastian got up and collected his coffee cup and his bag.

"Nice to meet you Reese." he said to me.

"Likewise." I replied. He turned and headed out, giving me one more glance and a nod. There's something that doesn't sit right about him.


We were in the car, quickly heading back to McKinely. I wasn't letting go of our encounter as Dalton.

"So, how was Nick?" Blaine asked me.

"Uh...oh you know...he's nice." I replied.

"You hesitated." oh geez.

"Well, let's put it this way: Your buddy Nick has a cute face, but look passed that: BLIP!"

"What's 'blip'?" he asked.

"He's a blank slate sweetie. I'm sorry." I replied.

"Well, I have to disagree." he said.

"Hey, you know this Sebastian kid? You're gonna be careful with him right?" I asked.

"What do you mean? Be careful?" 

"You know, I mean the kid's hot, but you also got Kurt."

"Reese, Kurt is my boyfriend. Kurt is my number one. Sebastian is just a friend. I actually thought you and Nick would've hit it off, he's always interesting to me anyway." he said.

"Sweetie, guys only find each other interesting because they mainly have two things to talk about: sports and girl parts...well in your case, guy parts." I replied.

"Whatever you say. Listen, Sebastian means nothing to me, we only met once. Kurt is my number one." 

"Whatever you say Anderson. Whatever you say."


Just friends? Right, sure. Only meet once? Lies! Why? Because Blaine decides to bring his new 'friend' to my restuarant. By the way, anybody know of a coffee syrup called covosayo or something like that? That's what this guy asked for in his coffee. It went a little something like this:

"Hello boys." I greeted them at table eight.

"Hey Reese."

"I knew you looked familiar. You're a waitress." Sebastian said. Wow, the dillweed figured that out huh?

"Right, about the entire town of Lima knows that by now. Coffee?" I asked them, holding up a coffee pot.

"I'll take cream with mine." Blaine said.

"I'll have a shot of courvosier with mine." Sebastian said. What?

"...Coffee?" I asked again, trying really hard to smack him. What the hell is covosio?

"He'll have cream in his too." Blaine told me.

"Thank you, English people. Learn it." I said while pouring coffee in the mugs, then walked away back to the kitchen to collect plates for table two. But of course, what kind of Lavek would I be if I didn't eavesdrop on  their conversation?

"I can't believe you asked for a shot of courvoisier on your coffee." Blaine told him.

"I forgot how lame this town is. When I lived in Paris, I drank it like it was mother's milk." he lived in Paris? Of course he lived in Paris.

"When you-oh, okay, wow." Blaine seemed to be just at a loss for words like I was.

"What?" he asked him.

"You're just so, you know, you're out there." he told him.

"And your whole bashful schoolboy thing? Super hot." Oh geez, this is not going where I hoped. Blaine sighed.

"Look, Sebastian. I have a boyfriend." he said.

"Doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you." who the hell is this guy? Hugh Heffner?

"No, I mean-I really care about him." 

"He doesn't need to know." 

"I'd just never want to mess my thing up with him in anyway." as if on cue, in walked Kurt. This could either fix things or just make them worse. "He's really great."

"Who's really great?" Kurt asked. Oops, busted.

"You! We were just talking about you. Sebastian, this is Kurt, my boyfriend, who I was just..." yeah, yeah, that's enough Anderson. You're already making a fool of yourself. Kurt extended his hand as a means of being civil.

"Pleasure." he said while shaking his hand. "And how do we know Sebastian?" he asked Blaine.

"Yeah Blaine, how do we know Sebastian?" I added. Blaine shot me a look which told me to shut up.

"We met at Dalton. I was dying to meet Blaine. Those Warblers just won't shut up about him. Din't think he could live up to the hype, but as it turns out..." Sebastian was quick to reply, which made Blaine blush. Gay guys, I'll never get them.

"Yes, he's even more impressive in the flesh. Coffee Reese?" he asked while pulling up a chair. What am I? A waitress? Oh yeah.

"Hey, what're you guys doing tomorrow night?" Sebastian asked them.

"Well we're rehearsing for the school musical," good start Kurt, "then at bedtime we do a rigourous skin-sloughing regimen together over the phone together." and he murdered it.

"And as sexy as that sounds," couldnt' agree more there stupid. "what do you say we shake things up?" that especially can't be good.  "I get you guys a couple of fake IDs and we head over to Scandals in West Lima." yep, bad feeling confirmed.

"Scandals? That's the gay bar." Blaine told Kurt.

"The last time I was there, I met the man of my dreams on the dance floor." Sebastian said. 

"*COUGH* Was he blind? *COUGH*" that was a good joke I loved to pull. The three boys looked up at me, Sebastian was giving me a cold glare. If looks cou;d kill, I'd be dead. Whatever, it was hilarious to mess with rich kids.

"Anyway, that's sounds so sweet. And, are you two still together?" Kurt asked him.

"Sadly no, we broke up about twenty minutes after we met." he replied. I couldn't help but snicker, that's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. The boys looked at me again, and Sebastian decideded to speak up.

"I find her extremely annoying." he said to the other two.

"Trust me, the whole school does." Blaine replied.

"Anyway, considering this whole Scandals thing..."

"Come on guys, live a little." Sebastian was quick to cut off Kurt.

"We would love to Sebastian, thank you you for the offer. That's very nice of you," and here comes the  'but', "but that just isn't our kind of thing." Blaine replied. Okay good, the kid's answering straight again.

"Let's do it." Hah? That should not of come out of Kurt's mouth.

"What?" Blaine seemed just as surprised as I am.

"Yeah. We have a whole bunch of firsts to start crossing off our list." he told him, then turned to Sebastian. "We're in." Sebastian smiled like the Chesire Cat.


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