Soup x Cullen untold tales of adventures

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Soup Pov,

I enter a room full of kids that are about 5 to 7 years old. I see Dorian and Bull's child that was adopted who was a human like Dorian. Cullen and my child was sitting beside Dorian's child and was playing with a stick. A bunch of other kids were there too and they were all playing with something that was in their reach.

"Have you heard the tale of the one who closed the very breech little ones?" I asked as I held my old journal in my hand.

"No!" Most of the kids shouted.

"Well, I have a story for you guys but you have to promise to sit still and we'll take breaks.

"My pa said that the one who closed the breech died when the Inquisition disbanded."

"Well then... I can assure you that the Herald of Andraste isn't dead." I choked at the words Herald of Andraste.

"But Miss who was this Herald? I've only heard a few stories of him."

"First of all the Herald was a woman and the stories that you guys probably heard was that she was a human. She was a Dalish Elf like Miss Soup." Dorian's kid said as he looked at the kids.

"Whoa, can I be an Elf? Elves seem awesome!" A kid shouted as I opened my journal.

"Ok, are we going to be quiet? I need to get to reading or your parents will have to get you guys."

"Ok as I was saying, the Herald was an Elven woman named Seralle who stepped out of the Fade-"

"What's the Fade? Is it food? I'm hungry..." Another kid shouted as they raised their hand.

"No, it's not. The fade was- never mind... As I was saying the Herald stepped out of the fade with a woman right behind her. No one knew who the woman behind the Herald was so people assumed that it was Andraste herself showing Thedas that she sent a savior. The Herald fell to the ground and passed out after a few steps..."


"So when Seralle came back from seeing Solas, she only had one arm and she went to the council to disband the Inquisition. That is probably as far as the story goes but I knew the Inquisitor very well. She and I were best friends."

"Well, what happened to the Inquisitor?" A kid asked.

"Well, she went back to her Dalish clan to continue being a spy."

"Did she ever like or marry anyone?" My husband said with a chuckle as he walked into the room.

"Well, the Inquisitor did like someone but they had a fall out when that mean ole Corypheus was killed. The Inquisitor never told me if she ever got back together with that Ex-Templar."

"What happened to your arm Miss Soup?" A kid asked in the back.

"Well, I had gotten in the way of one of my friend's plans and my arm got in the crossfire. So I had to amputate the damaged area and now I just use a prosthetic to help me still battle."

"Oh... ok, but do you still have feelings on that arm as if it was still there?" The same kid asked.

"Well yes and no. I do still get tingles like an itch or a muscle strain. My brain doesn't know that I don't have that arm anymore but I know that I don't have it anymore." I answer as I remove my prosthetic. "Well kids, I see your parents coming in through the door. I had fun and I enjoyed being you guy's guest storyteller."

All the kids run out of the room except Dorian's kid, my kid, and a little kid named Cole, who looked almost exactly like my old friend Cole, had stayed in the room.

"Miss Soup? Are you Seralle? Did you save us all from the breach?"

"Well of course she is. How can my mom not be that awesome?" My child giggled as she hugged my leg.

"Cole, how did you know that Miss Soup was the Inquisitor?" Dorian's kid asked as he scratched his head.

"Well, I've heard stories about Seralle but none like Soup's story. She held emotion and the certain details that were said couldn't be told without being the Inquisitor themselves."

"Well Cole, you're a smart young lad who I bet will be a good man when you grow up," I said as I got up from my chair and walked over to Cullen.

"Well, how was the story, Hun? Was it too obvious that I was Seralle?"

"No not at all but why did you use your actual name instead of some made up name?"

"I'm pretty sure that no one knows my actual name except for a small handful of individuals. Plus the stories that are told don't have my nickname or my actual name to call me by. They just call me the Herald, Herald of Andraste, Inquisitor, and knife ear. So why not use my actual name."

I look at Cullen who was love-struck so I kiss him on his cheek and walk out of the room holding my child's hand. Dorian's child was following right behind.

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