Vallaslins can break hearts Cullen x Elf! Y/n

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SalvationRed I may not completely do the whole thing but I will follow as much as I can before I take a detour. Depending on how I end the chapter I may make a part 2 but only if it is requested or needed. Also, I haven't played DAI for a few months so I am going off memory. I never did finish the Trespasser DLC but I've seen videos on it so I know enough on it. I remember enough of the game to write.

Y/n Pov,

Alone in a cave that I once believed to be the beginning of my happiness. I had tears rolling down my now bare vallaslin free face. I drop to my knees and let the tears run down my face. I have gone so long keeping a straight face that I never gave my own feelings any attention. All I hear in the cave are my sobs and what I could only assume as footsteps walking towards me.

"Inquisitor... Oh by the maker what happened to you?" Cullen asked before dropping down to my level.

"Solas... he took me here to make things better for us... He told me the truth behind my vallaslin and offered to remove it... He did and he said I was so beautiful but then... then he pushed me away and ended things with me..."

"By the maker... Inquisitor, I am so sorry *embraces me*."

I don't even make an effort to say anything else. I don't stop myself from crying, I just let my emotions go. Cullen's embrace revealed old feelings from when I first joined the Inquisition. I pay no mind to the resurfacing feelings. I could hear Cullen mutter something under his breath in between my sobs.

"Y/n... I know what it's like to have to hold everything in. Being a commander of an army doesn't make things easier but of course, it's nothing compared to having all of Thadas watching every step you make. Take your time and we'll see you at the fort."

"No... Stay here with me, please... I don't want to be alone right now. I enjoy your company. We don't talk much Cullen and I want to change that."

"*clears throat* Well if you insist Inquisitor."

"Cullen, please call me Y/n especially when away from the fort. I don't care for formalities."

"Of course Y/n."

Cullen and I talk for a while and we continued talking as we walked back to the fort. He followed me to my bedroom door and was about to turn to leave but I pulled his arm into my room. (No not to have sex with him. Ugh I'm not THAT cheesy).

"*deeply red* What are you doing Y/n?"

"I enjoy talking to you and I really don't want to be alone tonight. But if you wish, I won't stop you from sleeping in your room."

Cullen pauses for a moment but walks further in my room. I chuckle a little before walking up to my steps and sit on top of my bed. I start smiling as Cullen stumbles up my steps and get flushed when he walks over to my bed.


"Finally guys, we have defeated that ugly son of a bitch *lightning strike*. Hehe by the Elven Gods I don't know if the world is angry with what he did or they wish we didn't stop him. I hope the world is just angry about what he has done." I chuckle while walking into the fort.

"Inquisitor, we fought well." Varric chuckled before downing some sort of alcohol that Iron Bull dared him to.

"A mighty warrior you are Inquisitor. It was a pleasure fighting alongside you Inquisitor. *Raised a huge mug of alcohol* Too many more adventures in the future!!" Iron Bull shouted across the fort.

It began to get exhausting as I slowly traveled around the large room to speak to people. I reach Cullen and shyly grab his hand. He smiled and it filled me with comfort for once. I start to drag him back to my quarters to get away from people.

"Quite the party our friends have out there right?" I shyly say while I walk up my stairs. "It's funny to think that just months ago we were trying to figure out more about this Corypheaus guy."

"Well, we had an admirable and strong leader to help us."

"Do you mean to flatter me? Because if so, you are succeeding."

Cullen went red slightly and he smiled. I realized that I had someone by my side the whole way. He had a different feel than all the other people who have been in my life. I felt complete and with his dorky personality, I couldn't help but fall for him.

"You know Y/n... I think I love you... I know things aren't official between us but you are different. You although tease me with the little things you never do push things too far with me."

"*freezes* I... I love you too Cullen. I think I always have."


"Look, guys, just because the issue with Corypheaus is over with, doesn't mean we need to be slacking. We still have that mission in the Frostbacks we have to do. You are now dismissed."

"Cullen... You busy?"

"For you? Never too busy for you."

"Good because... *stands on the tips of my toes*." I lightly peck his lips. We both flush with red once the action is made. I pull away slightly and get off the tips of my toes. I smile a little as I watch as the once stoic war commander was now a frozen flustered mess. "For someone as stoic as you, I wouldn't have expected you to be such an adorable flustered mess."

Cullen unfroze. He smirked before leaning down to my slightly shorter level and reconnects our lips. This caused me to smile from enjoyment.

There you go. I have written a chapter. I may make a part 2 but idk yet. Yay me!

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