Varric x Elf! Y/n A new beginning

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I don't know how often I will be posting on here. My requests are always open unless I have spoken about closing them in the past. Thank you Inquisitor_Milly for making a request. I hope it fits with what you had hoped for. It has been a minute since I have played any of the dragon age games so I may get things wrong and that is ok as I am not perfect. I will add some things that don't happen or I may alter some events that happened in this story and not in-game. I did also write this at 12am so I may not depict Varric exactly as he is in-game.


 y/n thoughts

varric thoughts

Y/n= your name

n/n= nickname

Y/n Pov,

The adventure that involved Corypheus was finally over. The world felt at peace for a moment to hopefully stay for a while. Everyone has either stayed at Skyhold to help extend the reach of the Inquisition or went to better themselves whether it was for the better or worse of them. Some were hung up on past flings while others want to start something with others. Varric was no exception to his own hangups.

The soft breeze in the air perking up the moods of folk. Varric could be seen outside shooting his crossbow Bianca. I walk up beside him and watch as he shoots the targets with a glass of alcohol in hand.

"Careful where you aim that, you may shoot my heart," I say as I sip on the glass.

Varric rolls his eyes but I couldn't see it as his back was facing me. He seemed to brush on my flirt and continued shooting the crossbow. 

"Wait a moment. I need to breathe... Being around you, you seem to always take my breath away." I wink hoping I'd get some reaction or feedback.

"N/n," He muttered before taking another shot and before turning towards me. He had a faint blush on his cheeks. "May I help you?"

"You? Always, but I mainly wanted to check on you and observe your aim. But I wanted your opinion. How does it feel to be so great?"

He smiled. Looked at the ground and back up at me. "Hehe... That was a good one." Varric grabbed Bianca and walked off to relax inside.

Later that day,

I walk inside to see Varric sitting at his table with a sad expression on his face. I also see a few of the other members peering around the corner curious about Varric. I saw Cole sitting on the other end of the table debating how he should approach Varric. I walk over to Cole and whisper to him, "don't worry bud. I got this." I huff before walking the rest of the to Varric and sitting on the edge of the table that was covered in unwritten books and letters. "What's got your face upset Varric?"

"I received a letter from the special person I've been talking to..-" He says with his head hung low looking at the letter he was sent from you guessed it, Bianca.

I quickly grab the letter and scan it over. "Is this... Bianca? Is she the one who's been the secret admirer that you refused to talk about?"

"Ummmm... -lowers his voice- yes..." 

"Why are you going after her still? As well as hiding it?" I say as I accidentally crinkle the paper in one of my hands.

"Well, I know how everyone feels about her and I don't know n/n. I don't want to give up, I care about her a lot and I don't want to let go of our memories." Varric shifted to barely meet my gaze saying that.

"Look, we all understand that it can be hard to let someone go but she's manipulating you. For years, it's been like this am I right? Or have I misunderstood what has happened?"

"No no... Y/n you are correct. This has been going on for years. I know I need to let go but it's difficult."

"Varric, you can't go all your life chasing a thread that isn't there. She may have her moments where she wants to entertain your feelings but you know she won't return them in full. If you want or need to talk, I am here as well as Hawke. They should be back tomorrow morning if you would rather them. But both of us had suspected that she was involved... Just, please try to let her go. You need a new start and I want to personally be part of it." I put the letter back in front of Varric and walk up to my room.

A week later,

I haven't left my quarters a lot since I last spoke with Varric. I was mainly keeping myself occupied to make sure I gave Varric space as well as to take time to process what Bianca is still doing. There had been word around Skyhold that Hawke and Varric spoke and that they were working on things. 

There was a knock at the door, I disregard it and continue doing paperwork and planning my next step as Inquisitor. "N/n... Mind if I come in?" Varric asked as he stood at the top of my steps waiting for permission. I gesture my hand for him to come closer. "I don't usually do this but... On a scale of 1 to 10, you're a 9 and I'm the 1 you lack."

"Are you flirting with me? Because to be honest that was really cute."

"Yea, I came here to say that I know you are there for me and I wanted to say I am working on getting over Bianca. I liked the flirty comments you'd make towards me. With you holed up in here doing your Inquisitor business. I realized how much I actually looked forward to you finding me and talking to me." Varric stopped by my bed and sat down. "This isn't me inviting you to sit on your own bed with me. I just didn't want to interrupt what you were doing over there and gave you space."

I get up from my desk and sit beside him. "You know, as much as it pains me. I know you need time before you can truly try at what I have wanted since before Corypheus was defeated. You don't need to worry about invading my space. If you want to talk even if you wake me in the middle of the night then by all means. Well, you may have a sword/spell/arrow/dagger aimed at you but you are welcome anytime. I am here for when you are ready." I say as I lean down and kiss his forehead. "When you are ready, you can tell me by doing it yourself."

If you have any other requests, you are more than welcome to make them. However, any requests that were made to me two years ago I have dropped. As I can hardly remember what I had for dinner the previous night let alone remember to eat. Again I don't know how often I will post but I will try to do any requests I am asked of. I like writing especially if others enjoy it. <3

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