Solas x Elf! Y/n A leap of faith over the railings

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Y/n Pov,

Bang! The arrows struck the metal plate out in the practice field near the barn. Rays of sunshine blinding my eyes. Eyes staring at my every movement. Boom! A failed potion from the wrong ingredients being mixed. Eyes adverting my sight when I'd turn to people. Slam! A book falls from the top floor and lands in front of Solas' desk in the center of the room.

"Lavellan!" Solas shouts.

"Sorry!" I respond back to the angry elf.

I look over the top railing and I see Solas, arms crossed, looking up at me. I slowly back away from the railing and out the door on the top floor. The drop from the outside railing was a lot higher than the three floored tower of the Fort. I leap on top of the ledge and I carelessly walk on it. My foot slips and I go falling down and land on my feet. I fall to my knees after I landed on my feet. Unharmed. Scratches on my arms but none too serious.

"Inquisitor!" Blackwall shouted as he ran out of the barn.

"Don't worry Blackwall, I'm ok," I muttered as I brushed myself off.

Ping! The noise of a miss aimed arrow made. Eyes watching my arms as they fall to my sides. Buzz! A crystal made as the science behind it worked. Dagna's eyes watched as I carelessly poked my finger into the energy field. Crack! A floorboard broke on the second floor beside Dorian's bookshelf.

"Y/n!" Dorian bellowed as he watched me get back up.

"It's ok... I'll fix it." I spoke as I ran down the stairs.

Mistakes happening at my every mistake. Bang! Ping! Slam! Crack! Boom! Those noises happened as I would train, walk, or make a small mistake.

"Y/n, do you need some help?" Solas asked in a hushed tone.

"Ya... I need help taking these books back to my room." I answered as I handed Solas some books.

Solas let me walk before him and into my room. Solas followed and he placed the books on my bed. I opened my closet door that had the ladder in it. Still holding the books I slowly make my way up the ladder. My bookshelf slowly began to fill up as Solas and I placed books on it.

"Lavellan," Solas began speaking.

"Need something Solas?" I ask quietly as I watched Solas scuff his bare feet on my wooden flooring.

"Oh no... nothing vhenan," Solas whispered to so I could barely hear him.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

Solas just shook his head slightly to the left and to the right before he walks out of my room. I take a few steps to catch his arm to turn him around. His face was a faint crimson when he was turned towards me. I lean his face towards my face and capture his lips to mine.

"Falon him vhenan," I asked in a whispered tone. (Friend become heart)

Solas only looked in disbelief as he stared into my eyes. His blue eyes capturing my e/c eyes. I turn away from him but he turns me around and captures my lips into his. He began to mutter things in the elvhen language into my ear and I responded in elvhen. We pull apart and shyly walk out of my room with crimson flushed faces. Varric was the first to notice Solas and me walking from my room. Solas walks into his room and I walk over to Varric.

"Knew Chuckles had a thing for you. So why was he in your room?" Varric implied as he slightly nudged my side.

"He was helping me put my book on my bookshelf Varric," I respond as the door to Solas' room swinging.

"Seems like he had his first kiss." Varric chuckled as he heard Solas in the distance.

"She wasn't my first kiss!" Solas shouted as he walked over to Varric.

"Spirts in the fade doesn't count Chuckles," Varric implied as he watched Solas walk away with a very noticeable blush plastered on his face.

"That was a good one Varric," I giggled as I leaned over from laughing too hard.

Varric just smiled as I walk to Solas' room then up the stair to Dorian's floor.

"Y/n, so a certain flushed elf shouted that you weren't his first kiss. Does that mean that you guys kissed?" Dorian whispered as he put a note into a book then toss it down to Solas' floor.

"Well of course Dorian. I can't lie to you now can I?"


"Awe he called you his heart. How sweet," Dorian translated as he began to giggle to himself. "Watch this Y/n. Hey egg head, Fen'Harel was a human god."

"No, I- No Fen'Harel was an Elf not human." Solas corrected as he shook his fist in the air towards Dorian.

"Funny right? I think he's hiding something from us." Dorian chuckled as he wiped a fake tear.

"I heard that Dorian! I'm not hiding anything you dummy." Solas shouted as he began to sit in his chair.

"Hey Dorian, how are you and the Iron Bull doing anyways?" I ask as I watched Dorian scribble a note into a book.

"We're good as far as I know of. I just hope that it isn't only physical though." Dorian answered as he got ready to throw a book at Solas' head.

Dorian tosses the book in Solas' direction but it backfired and it launched right back to himself and hit him in the head. Solas looks up and gives a smirk towards Dorian. I get the bright idea and run up the stairs so I could jump down. I reach the top steps and I see Dorian looking up at me and with Solas with a worried look on his face. I step over the railings and I start falling really fast. Solas backs away from his desk and leans against a wall. I land on his desk unharmed but a few of his papers do fly off his table.

"Vhenan! Are you ok?" Solas asked in a panicked tone.

"Can I try next?" Dorian asked as he was leaning over the railing on the second floor.

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