Varric x fem! Y/n Don't leave me alone pt.1

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Here we go again with another writing for my readers. This request was made by Inquisitor_Milly. This writing will include mentions of physical, emotional, and verbal abuse. I will try to put the warning where I start talking about it. For this writing do know that I am not glorifying trauma or taking it lightly. I know this is a serious matter that isn't to be taken lightly. I haven't personally gone through this type of abuse so I apologize if some bits of it don't make sense or seem overly dramatic. Some bits will be fast-paced while others will be taken slowly. I am writing different parts of the story out of order and adjusting to hopefully have it all make sense. I do hope it is decent, due to writer's block I am publishing this way later than I intended. 

Y/n Pov,

(warning it does start out implying abuse without outright discussing it)

I awake to the sharp pain in my hand that I had gotten used to. It had only been two weeks and I was already used to the feel. The anchor slowly creeps through my hand. I'm reminded that this pain is nowhere close to the harsh surrounding of my childhood. In fact, the pain in my hand felt like a tickle compared to what I had endured. I muster up the will to get out of my bed to prepare for the day.

I exit the tent and I nearly trip over Varric. "Oh shit... I am terribly sorry Varric." Varric waves his hand to show he is fine. I walk across Haven to go into the bar and take some time to relax and get into the zone for the say. 

That was my first interaction with him aside from how we met with the breach being open and everything. I didn't know what it was but something about him drew him to me. I didn't realize it then but he and I were soon to begin something small that later in time sprouted into a flirtationship. Glances then became nervous giggles when thinking of him when away from him, to soon become actual flirting without outright admitting to either of each other that we had a thing for the other.

"You know n/n. -wink- I didn't know what I wanted in a woman until my eyes were set on you." Varric would sometimes say with a cup of ale in hand. 

"I would never play hide and seek with you because someone like you is impossible to find."

When both of us were drunk we'd often say, "I've heard it said that kissing is the 'language of love.' Would you care to have a conversation with me about it sometime?" We would each look at each other and playfully look at each other and know how badly we wanted each other. People say being drunk is when your true feelings and wants come out whether you wanted to or not.

Time skip because I don't really know what to write til events after Haven is destroyed,

The transition from staying in a small town to now staying in an old fortress was surprisingly easy. Considering we went from a small space where everyone was practically on top of the other to almost everyone having their own space in this old fortress. Everyone did have to adjust to some folk no longer being there due to Corypheus wreaking havoc amidst the land and trying to have everyone turned against the Inquisition. Various tragedies happen, you win some and you lose some. 

Over time the shit with Corypheus was mellowing out as he was losing the allies he had and the Inquisition had gotten a lot stronger due to those allying with us. I even had my own personal fun at him losing this war he tried to continue. The Inquisition soon became strong enough to see the cards laid out in front of us to finally defeat Corypheus after many gruesome months of trying to gain a step ahead of him. I was the one who landed that last hit on him and ended the torment he put on the world.

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