In my absence

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I know I had dropped off the face of the earth for a couple months. I've been going through some stuff. Yesterday (18th of July 2022) I came home to my baby boy Ash having passed away in his cage (he's a hedgehog not a human). It was due to health complications.

But before that I've been dealing with writer's block, stress, and low feelings. I have the two requests started out. I was gonna post when I had gotten my last request but I didn't finish them and life gets in the way a lot.

I'm gonna try to get back to writing the requests but I can't promise when. I lost a part of myself yesterday. It's like what happened to me in 2020 I have to realize I'm only human and need to take care of myself.

Here's some photos-
The dog is Molly and obv the hedgehog is Ash

Here's some photos- The dog is Molly and obv the hedgehog is Ash

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