Varric x Fem! Y/n Don't leave me alone pt.2

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I am writing part two. This chapter does contain scenes that may not be comfortable for all audiences. I won't go into too much detail for the scene as I don't publically write smuts. This chapter will however hint at it and might be detailed leading up to it but I will not write the scene itself. I do hope you enjoy this chapter. I will start this chapter with the continuation of the father being shot in the shoulder by Varric. But like the last chapter, this does mention abuse and I know there are some readers who may not be able to handle scenes. I do not glorify these things and I know it isn't something to be taken lightly. I do hope this turns out well.

Little thing about the author atm when writing this. I somehow am hyper due to orange juice I think... 

Before this starts, a little note. Each character gives you a different nickname unless you decide for them to call you the same thing.

Y/n Pov,

I turn to see my father glaring daggers at Varric and the comment he made to him. Despite the high tension in the air, I found it oddly funny. I stood there unsure as to what I should do. I knew my father had what was coming and I think I was more happy that someone was able to experience the side of my father that he doesn't show to the public eye. I watch and see Cullen make his way up and walk past Varric to walk up to my father. He touches his shoulder and directs him out of my room with Leliana right behind him. Varric sat on my bed and patted it for me to sit beside him.

"That happened..." I muttered before sitting on my bed.

"Leliana told me the bit of information that she could get with running backgrounds on your father... I'm sorry Y/n. No one realizes how strong you actually are. He made Corypheus seem like a blessing compared to what you endured. If you want time to process, I will give you space. But do at least say the word on what we should do with that bastard before myself or Leliana stings him up by his toes and let him hang there," Varric uttered before trying to get up off the bed.

"That man doesn't deserve the wrath that I have for him. My wrath is too good for him. Just... Kick him out but I want to be the one who does it. I want him to feel sorry for the shit I endured. I don't want to be alone. I've been alone for so long that I need someone."

"I can stay N/n. If need be, I can shut my mouth and sit in silence, or you could even tell me what you endured because of him. But I do have a fantastic idea if you would so have it N/n." Varric winked while pushing himself further on my bed.

I turn my head towards him. He had a smirk on his face while he pulled his hand toward me. I grab it and he pulls me towards him. I lay my head on his chest and he starts rubbing my back. I could hear his heartbeat and it started to ease my soul. It was relaxing and for once the ringing in my ears couldn't be heard and the pain in my heart from the years of torment from my father and the self-sabotage I put myself through with love.

I speak up, "you know Varric... The monster you see of my father was only a sliver of what he truly did. He wasn't a kind man. I don't know how much you heard but when I was little my father would grab almost anything he could within reach and throw things or even hit me with said items. If I made a mistake there was no telling how bad he would react. Some days were better than others and on some, I feared I would not make it through the night from the abuse I endured."

"I can only imagine... Your father did his best to hide this so Leliana could get only so much information. I bet there's a lot more than she couldn't dig up. I don't even know if you would even want all that dug up. Ass or not, reliving that must be hard on you. N/n, I do hope you will be able to heal now that his truth is being revealed to us."

"I hope so too... He's ruined my head and I have self-sabotaged myself with relationships I get into. Whether it's romantic or even platonic. I don't keep people long and it pains me to even think of that happening with any of you guys. He made sure any self-worth I had would be squashed as soon as I did any. Despite the bit with Corypheus, learned to grow due to the support I was given. I know I can't magically say I'm healed and be healed. I hope that you guys can be there for when I can hardly will myself to breathe."

"Hush... It's ok Y/n, I won't leave you and no one here will do that to you either." Varric whispered as he sat himself up and made an effort to pull at the clothing I had on. I help remove the clothes I had on and I couldn't help but smile at this finally happening.

Later that evening,

I clean myself up and redress myself. Varric was in my bed still snoozing. I make my way down the stair and towards Dorian's area hoping he hadn't called it a night. I walk up the stairwell and see Dorian standing there with a book in hand. He looks up and smiles at me.

"I was waiting for you to seek me out N/n. From one person with daddy issues to another. I heard some of the rumors of what he did to you. I could also read it on your face. Come here Y/n and let's talk." Dorian beamed while waving me towards him. 

"I don't know where to start really? But I guess we can start with how it was at first. It started off with him making a few bad comments about me. He'd say I looked like a slob due to a knot in my hair. He'd buy items to cover my natural face and say I'd only look pretty if I used this stuff on myself. This was before I was even 10 years old. I was a bad liar at first. I took some money for I think it was a doll or maybe it was something to eat. I lied about taking money and I was hit with a chain by him. -I run my hands along my torso and hands- He would even threaten to beat me bloody for reasons I still don't understand."

"That had to have been really difficult for you N/n. You know my own father wasn't the best either but he makes mine seem better despite my own father trying to change me by multiple means."

"It wasn't easy at all. I don't know what I would have done if I endured the torture of someone trying to change me just because I didn't want to take over and for liking the same gender. I mean he did torture me for people I liked. Made me hate him worse, the more he limited my contact with the outside world. Being verbally degraded, punished for trying to become my own, and for what? For me to grow up and not be soft? He made me cold-hearted and made it difficult for me to make a name... But I did it. Despite the man who raised me, he was the one to shit on me for any accomplishment I did."

Skipping to the next day,

I go through the door and enter the hall where I judge people for things they've done. I see my father in chains on his knees waiting. I see Dorian standing beside my seat with a grin on his face. I look closer to see a red hand impression on my father's face. I gathered that Dorian did that before I entered the hall. I smile at the thought of him being slapped.

"I assume I am to judge this man for the horrendous things he has committed on his own daughter?"

Josephine pipes up, "Yes Inquisitor, we all believe you deserve the right to judge this man for what he did -clears throat- what he did to you."

"This man is no longer my father. He never was. If he truly was then he wouldn't have raised someone who is scared of a little disapproval from the ones who actually cared for her. What do you have to say in your defense before I kick you out of here?" The man who once had the title of my father didn't speak. He lowered his head and knelt in silence. I roll my eyes and wave him off. This man doesn't deserve what I'd do to him because of what he put me through. My wrath is too good for him. I don't wish to see you ever again. No contact as any letters you send will be either burnt immediately or I can send a pile of The Iron Bull's shit to you on fire."

Everyone snickered at the thought of one of Iron Bull's shits being mailed to this vile man. The scouts that were holding his chains turned around and led the man out of the gates with me following behind. I couldn't help but smile at this. He had what was coming.

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