Krem x Velanlya

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I am sorry for taking so long to post this.

Velanlya thoughts

Things to note, this character has pale skin, red eyes, and long pale blonde hair that is almost always put up. 

Velanlya Pov,

Today's the day, Iron Bull and his Chargers are back from a mission they were instructed to go on. I walk out onto my balcony and watch as the Chargers are entering Skyhold. I hold my breath waiting for to him enter the gates. There he is, Krem, right behind The Iron Bull. I take a breath in, out of relief, at his returning. By the gods, I hope I sound dumb when I go down there to welcome them back. I turn around to head back into my room to grab the journal that I put all my thoughts into and I write a quick note that the Chargers arrived safely and that Krem is still safe.

I walk slowly down the stairs and I could feel my heart racing at the thought of seeing him up close again. It had been at least two weeks since the Chargers left. I swear each step I took, my legs would get weaker. I continued walking until I got outside the building and noticed the Chargers were just entering the tavern where they usually hang out. I take a deep breath in and walk into the tavern with them. The tavern was well lit and everything was still lively as if they had never left.

I walk up to The Iron Bull and the Charger. "Hey guys, glad to see you guys made it back safely. How did the mission go? Fight any dragons or the remaining darkspawn that are still kicking around?" I say clutching my journal that I take everywhere.

"You know how it is Boss. Same old same old, but there were some dragon sighting that I wish to look into soon. So we have that to look forward to when we leave again in a couple of days."

"That sounds awesome, I hope the sightings are true and not just rumors. I wish you guys luck when you guys leave again."

The Chargers and Iron Bull all nod in agreement before shouting for a round of alcohol for each of them. It made me happy to see them so cheerful. With the events of Corypheus being over, it was a nice change. I request a round for myself too, to help ease my nerves. I sit with them at a table and place my book on the table beside me and start making conversation with everyone.

We spent hours talking and drinking. I was babying my drinks however so I was the most sober out of everyone. We even played a couple of games, for example, we played a game where we had to either tell the truth or drink. That game was fun until the juicy personal question started to get asked. Anytime anyone would ask me something close to my love life and if I had my eye on anyone I would take a drink. It seemed Krem did the same but I tried to look away when I was asked those questions as well as when he was asked the same. It was a lot of fun though, I learned some juicy stuff about Iron Bull that didn't even require to have him drunk to spill. Iron Bull has no shame with what he likes as well as his past. Krem wasn't a fan of sharing too deeply into his personal life aside from telling stories about his family and running away before he was caught for being trans. That was a fact that I didn't know.

In between games I would write little notes in my journal and would try to keep my writing out of view so no one would see what I write. Iron Bull would smirk at me when he'd notice me writing. Iron Bull knows that I have a liking for Krem and thank the gods he hasn't told Krem. I think I would die if he ever found out. 

It eventually got very dark so everyone said their goodnights and made their way to their quarters. There were so many awkward glances given by Krem and I. Iron Bull left smirking as he always does. That man has no shame. I make my way to my quarters and take a drink of water with me so I wouldn't be miserable in the morning. I mindlessly walk to the bed and plop onto the bed and fell asleep immediately.

I wake up in the morning with a headache and a feeling that I forgot something. I sit up and look around my room to figure out what had me feeling like I forgot something. I walk to my desk and look for my journal to write about the previous night. I looked in my usual spot but it wasn't there. I check all around my desk and it still wasn't there. I start panicking as I realize I had left it at the tavern. I hope Krem hasn't looked in it or Iron Bull. I especially don't want Iron Bull to see what's inside as there is some juicy stuff in there that he doesn't need to read. I rush down the stairs and rush out of the building. I notice that Iron Bull and Krem are training behind the tavern where Cassandra usually is. I look toward the tree stump that Cassandra likes to read on and I notice what looks to be my journal. I try to sneak over to them and sneak over to the stump to get my book back. Iron Bull turns to look at me as I assume he heard me. Damn, spy. Iron Bulls strikes up a conversation and lets Krem take a break. I eye my book and notice Krem pick up the book and opens it. Well, shit... I think he's been reading it. I might as well pretend it isn't mine and try not to be bothered and begin to prepare my funeral.  I struck a conversation with Iron Bull and kept my eye on Krem. I notice Krem's face would begin blushing as he read more of the book. Iron Bull must have taken notice and walked over to Krem and requested the book to give back to me.

"Krem noticed this on the table. I told him not to look into it -winks- but you know how curiosity is," Iron says while handing me the book.

"Boss, you know it was the other way around. I told you not to look at it as it wasn't yours. I am so sorry Inquisitor. I didn't mean to start reading your personal journal. But um... Hey, Boss can you leave us alone, please? Velanlya and I need alone time to talk if you don't mind."

Iron Bull winks at us both, or was it him blinking? It's hard to tell as he has one eye. Iron Bull walks away and Krem and I are left alone. We look at each other and immediately look away with embarrassment.

"Um do you want to talk in a more private area? We can go up to my room and talk there." I sheepish mutter while motioning for Krem to follow.

Krem nods and follows me to my room. Both of our hearts start pounding in our chests from nerves. When we enter my quarters I motion for us to my balcony.

"Um Inquisitor... sorry, I mean Velanlya. Do you mind if I talk about your journal?" Krem stutters waiting for my permission to which I nod yes. "Right, Velanlya I wanted to confess something to you. Again, I am deeply sorry for reading your journal. Anyways, I also look forward to seeing you when you or I enter Skyhold. I too hold my breath until I see you either arriving or standing waiting for us to return. I like you too Velanlya. I was too nervous to admit it last night in our drinking game. I wouldn't dare admit it to the chargers as they would tease me. I had a feeling you liked me back but I was too nervous as I didn't want to be wrong."

"Krem, I wanted to confess it to you sooner but I was also too nervous. I wish you found out from me confessing to you but I guess that day would have never come. I am glad you read my journal. Did um... Did Iron Bull read it too?"

"Yes, Iron Bull read it unfortunately. So he knows everything in there... Even those writing about my lips and my face."

I go bright red as I hear that Iron Bull has read my journal. He's going to tease me just as he will with Krem. I look down at my feet and look back at Krem. He had a sort of calm to his face so I was eased some. Krem took a step closer to me and kissed my cheek.

"My Inquisitor, this is our first step. We may know that we like each other but let's not rush into things. I wish to get to know you personally first before we start hitting all the bases you have written in that journal of yours."

Woop, let's go. I wrote a chapter after so many months. I can't promise that I will write continiously but I will try to. I hope this was a good read for you. I enjoyed writing it.

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