Cole x Y/n Do you care to dance?

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I promise this isn't sexual in any bit. I wanted to write something about Cole in a pure way. The next chapter is varric x fem reader. I have started on it but as every writer knows, writer's block is a bitch, but hopefully, I can have it written by the end of the week.

Y/n Pov,

I overlook the scenes in front of myself. The distance from my window to the ground and how everyone looks so small from the height. The birds chirping and the chill in the air felt and sounded nice. The soft blowing of the wind reminded me of the gentleness I wish I received from others. I always had to deal with those who were harsh to others. Not often did I find those like Cullen, Cole, Varric, and the others from my group. They each came with their own issues but never tried to bring their personal issues into the light within reason.

I take a deep breath and out of the corner of my eye, I see Cole. I motion for him to come over and feel the nice breeze with me. "What has you up here Cole?"

"Pain, I can feel the pain you have felt for longing the gentleness of another. I wanted to help. I want to understand what you feel and see how I can help you." Cole says as he walks over to me and leans on the railing while facing me. I softly chuckle at his comment. "What is so funny? Did I do something that was funny?"

"No Cole, nothing is funny. I find it nice that you sought me out to help. However, I don't know how to explain why I feel pain when longing for the gentle nature of others. It could simply be that I hope someone I meet doesn't intend to use me or our group just to show their evil nature. I believe it breaks my heart the more evil I find in people that are revealed. But of course, I don't mean my heart literally breaks as that would be literally painful and could probably kill." I turn to Cole and he is slowly nodding his head as he was listening. I smile at the innocence he has in the world.

"So, you wish people revealed their intentions when you meet instead of them putting a front to pretend they aren't evil? What would you say makes someone evil?"

"Well Cole, nothing truly makes someone evil unless they make efforts to harms people intentionally without remorse. Corypheus wishes to reach godhood and he won't stop for anything to reach his goal. Evil will play tricks with the innocent and take advantage of anyone who is naive."

"I don't think there really is anything I can do as it seems it's mainly what people want to share and it's up to the viewer as to how they wish to interpret the other's actions. There will be people who may find you evil as they don't understand your view."

"It would appear so. Thank you for this talk Cole I much appreciated it. You did give me some insight into how I should view others." I say as I walk into my room and stand over my desk. "Oh, where is that letter?"

"Hey, Y/n? Do you want to dance?" Cole walked away from the railing and in the direction that I went.

"Oh um... Of course but what brought it up?"

"To help get your mind off the evil in the world," Cole said as he walked up to me. He grabbed one of my hands and spun me around to face him. We both smile and move slowly together. He placed one hand on the small of my back and the other holding one of my hands. One hand in his and the other on his shoulder. He guides me to the imaginary beat in the air. I softly giggle as the tension I had in my heart and soul eased itself the more he and I danced together.

There we go, a chapter for my peeps.

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