huit; somebody to love

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tj and amber's mom had apparently left for good. all the times she was out, she was meeting with their father about finizaling the divorce and custody of the kids. tj had asked his dad about quiting basketball and joining dance, which his dad agreed. amber continued working at the spoon because she enjoyed the customers and getting her friends discounts. everything stayed the same for cyrus. even two weeks later. except dance.

the dance, the big dance, was coming up. it's a winter dance with no special name that they have to dance in front of. the girls are wearing Santa dresses and the guys are wearing Santa onesies. people were complaining about the outfits, since it was a dance, and she told them that they could wear their clothes underneath it or whatever. but cyrus could care less about what he was wearing. and tj noticed.

cyrus, tj, and amber were at cyrus' house practicing for the dance. they were in his living room with tj trying to calm him, amber gossiping with his mom, and cyrus panicking.

"cyrus-cyrus, you aren't listening." tj said as he followed cyrus when he paced. "i mean, how could you listen?! we're being forced to dance in front of people. what if i mess up? people are going to judge me. ohmygod, i even worry that people can read my mind sometimes! this is mandatory for dance class, t! i might as well quit-"

"HAH! THAT'S FUNNY!" tj screamed, making cyrus finally stop pacing. amber said bye to his mom and she went upstairs as amber made her way over to the two. cyrus looked tj up and down for an explanation but all he got was, how the fuck can such beauty not even calm me

amber thought he was just checking her brother out, so, she sat on the couch and watched. tj finally spoke up, "cyrus, dude. i joined this class for you. at the beginning, i was literally about to kashoot myself and then you had some weird attitude and told me not to give up. and do i look like a coach that is giving you some type of inspirational speech? no? good. cause im not. im just a boy who cares about you entirely too much to let you quit on something you love because you're worried about others. we have gotten through the rumor situation together, yeah? why can't we do this together?"

amber slow clapped and raised her eyebrow at a stunned cyrus. cyrus felt like he couldn't breathe, so he sat down. tj sat down beside him and put his hand on his knee, "if you quit..." amber leaned in, waiting for something sweet. but c'mon. its tj kippen, "i will throw you in a garbage disposal and put you in wendy william's tea."

tj, cyrus, and amber were at the spoon discussing the dance. apparently, they're adding some fast dance as well that they have to dance. but now they have to learn it in less than a week. they aren't sure what song is to yet but they're trying to convince ms. juliana to send it so they can practice.

"why would she even do that last minute? it took tj a month to learn the simple mean girls dance." cyrus said as he gestured to the oblivious boy in front of them. tj rolled his eyes, "i got this. im not that bad." amber's phone dinged as he said that. when cyrus leaned over to see, it said

new email from;

amber laughed and fell out of the booth, causing everyone's eyes to land on them. tj helped her back up and she layed her head on the table, still laughing. cyrus was impatient, so, he took the phone from his friend's hand to read the email.

dear students,

yes, we are indeed doing a fast song at the dance as well. the link for the dance is below but the song is '7 rings - ariana grande.'

d a n c e // tyrus // andi mackWhere stories live. Discover now