douze; ha gayyy

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tj slowly walked toward the park without amber, in the pouring rain. she decided to go another way so cyrus wouldn't be alarmed.

tj walked up to the park to find the swings empty, swaying in the wind. tj's eyes scanned for the boy until he saw a figure sitting on a bench. tj pulled out his phone to see if it was cyrus so he didn't walk up to a stranger.

he dialed his friend's number instead of texting him. it ringed twice and he watched the figure pick up the phone.


"hey! cy! are you sitting on a bench? because i don't want to walk up to this random guy if not."

"uh, yeah. i don't see you?"

"im heading over there."

"k, bye."

"bye, love you."

tj hung up and froze. that's like saying "you too" to a pizza delivery guy! he sighed and walked up to the bench.

"heyyy, cyrus."

cyrus looked up and smiled, scooting over for tj. he gladly accepted and sat down next to cyrus.

"so what did you want to talk about¿" cyrus asked immediately. tj chuckled at him being so straightforward.

"im sorry." tj mumbled. cyrus perked up as he leaned in and pretended to not hear tj.

"sorry, what was that?" cyrus smiled. tj looked up at the boy and shook his head.

"im sorry for being so overconfident. im sorry for trying to be more intimate with you. im sorry for making you feel uncomfortable in public. i know you don't like being, y'know, gay?.. in public. and i never meant for you to feel..unsafe with me-"

"tj, get to the point." cyrus said, not really annoyed, just impatient.

"okay," tj sighed, "you win. im gay..and im not very confident in that. i don't really want people to know this information. it hasn't seemed like this, has it? that's okay with you. im okay with people knowing if it's for you."

cyrus's eyes widened in shock as another raindrop trickled down his hair, onto his hand, "what are you saying..?"

"i am super gay," tj said, confidently.

"for you." he finished. cyrus smiled at tj. this, in cyrus' mind, couldn't possibly be happening.

"you like like me?" cyrus asked. tj nodded at cyrus and the smaller boy beamed.

"oh thank god!" cyrus exclaimed. tj laughed and he smirked at cyrus

"whayoumean, cy?"

"i've liked you for seven months is what i mean." cyrus said. neither of them noticed amber jumping so high underneath the jungle gym that she wacked her head on the slide. they're completely oblivious to amber calling andi and andi being upset because she was sleeping.

tj only noticed cyrus and cyrus only noticed tj. that is, until you look closer. cyrus only noticed how comfortable tj seemed. tj only noticed how huggable cyrus seemed in that moment. tj wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's torso and cyrus hugged back.

d a n c e // tyrus // andi mackWhere stories live. Discover now