onze; the dance

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"cyrus! i found another song to make fun of." tj said as he walked into the lounging room. cyrus was standing in front of a mirror, trying to fix his hair from tj ruffling it before.

"not today, tj, im trying to focus on dance." cyrus said as he squinted into the mirror. tj walked over to cyrus and grabbed his hand, not intertwining their fingers. cyrus looked up at tj, tj smiling proudly down at him

"then focus." he said quietly to cyrus.

cyrus blinked. how could he possibly focus if tj was being curious TODAY? he doesn't like being a test subject, not really, no, but tj has no one else. and if cyrus is the one confusing him, he should help him. but not today.

but he couldn't seem to tear his gaze away. but once again, amber kippen saved the day! tj and cyrus awkward moment savior and intimate moment interuptee!

"hey, kids! we're on in 30." she said as she bursts into the door. tj and cyrus jolt apart and cyrus swallows and nods. amber furrows her brows and then looks at tj's face, he's blushing way too hard for this to be a friendly situation. must be intimate.

she raises her eyebrows with a smirk and closes the door for tj not to see her and gives cyrus a thumbs up, mouthing "you got this, cy!"

after she left cyrus looked over to a still bashful tj, sitting on the couch. he went over and sat by him, facing him and crossing his legs.

"tj..i understand that you're a processing gay right now, but, im no toy. if you like me, then you do. if you don't, then you don't. either way, we're still friends. but..figure it out from a far, kay? i want to focus today.." cyrus explains calmly. he leaned in and kissed tj's cheek before leaving the room. tj sat in shock and touched his cheek

"yeah, i may like him." he whispered in an exasperated sigh.

they were now back stage and cyrus was sitting down to save his energy, drinking from a water bottle. tj sat down beside him but scooted to the opposite side of the couch. amber sat between them and furrowed her eyebrows. she started to ask cyrus what had happened but ms juliana ran in from the other room

"30 seconds!" she screamed and ran out of the curtain. everyone stood up in a panic and got into their formation behind the curtain.

ms juliana's voice boomed through some speakers to introduce them, "introducing...santa's little helpers!"

cyrus heart dropped immediately when the curtain opened. tj looked over from his spot and whispered, "find your friends, bubba."

cyrus nodded and saw andi. andi had two thumbs up and the biggest smile on her face. then he scanned for buffy, which who was beside andi and marty. she stood up and showed off her shirt that read "im joining your dance team!" cyrus' smile widened and he decided to put all the energy into the dances.

after the mean girls dance, there was an intermission for the dancer's to change to their other outfits. everyone had purple sparkly makeup on their eyelids and lips. their outfits consisted of different things. the girls were a separate top and bottom, looking like a seperated dress. so a purple crop top and skirt. for the guys: they had purple sweatpants on along with purple denim jackets and a black undershirt. the girls were dressed better, yes, but no sexism here. the two groups were supposed to plan their own outfits together but the guys never came around to do so but the girls did

d a n c e // tyrus // andi mackWhere stories live. Discover now