neuf: redemption.

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the GHC were having a sleepover at cyrus' house. jonah had ditched his bitter group to come back. there was a long argument of how he couldn't come crawling back and his rules he, now, had to follow. jonah apologized to cyrus several times and cyrus kept telling him it was okay. buffy was still holding a grudge for what he said about, cyrus, tj, and amber. and to be honest, so was cyrus. he couldn't just say stuff about tj and amber and take it back immediately without thinking it over. that's not how that works to cyrus, and to most people.

"no, i've already watched spiderman hoco too many times. i really want to have an 80s movie binge, though." amber said from beside andi. andi and amber were at one end of the couch, jonah was in a recliner by himself, buffy was sitting in the corner of the couch where the two ends contecting with the popcorn, and cyrus was sitting on the other end by himself. tj said he couldn't make it along with libby and marty.

in all honesty, cyrus was disappointed. he liked interacting with libby, he learned ASL, recently, to talk to her. he was disappointed about marty because he distracted buffy from being mad about everything. him and marty, also, shared an intrest in star trek together that they whispered about in the corner so they wouldn't offend amber, andi, and buffy. they were those people who argued for star wars. does he even have to explain why he was disappointed tj wasn't here? he isn't mad or upset about tj leaving dance class. he was just fucking curious. but tj was making him upset by avoiding him instead of just telling him

amber's phone started ringing fergalicious so she excused herself and walked down the hallway. everyone ignored it, including cyrus, even though he knew who that was by the stupid ringtone. he was only wanting to watch stand by me, which jonah was struggling to put on. cyrus took the remote and went to where he had purchased the movie. buffy started laughing once he began searching it. he furrowed his brows and glanced over to her

"you spent 7.99 on drake and josh episodes?" she asked in between small giggles. cyrus smiled at her a nodded, without any shame.

"yeah i did!" he exclaimed when amber walked in. she laughed at cyrus who was now nodding vigorously.

"what'd he do this time?" she asked. cyrus furrowed his eyebrows again in complete confusion.

"the fuck you mean 'this time'-"

"he spent 7.99 on drake and josh episodes." buffy responded, still laughing at him. cyrus rolled his eyes and continued typing in the movie and clicking play. he turned off the lights, making everything dark other than the tv illuminating on everyone's faces.

"hell no! what do you think i am?"

"JESUS!" just as the sound from the tv boomed throughout the room, the doorbell dinged. no one heard it because it was so quiet compared to the gunshot and two kids screaming but it came through again once they ran.

cyrus sighed and threw the big blanket off of him and walked to the door, getting yelled at in the process to move from being in front of the tv. which earned a not so kind gesture for cyrus.

cyrus turned the knob and remembered how annoyed he was, "yes-" but when he opened the door, it revealed tj.

his expression softened from the shocked one it showed a second before and he invited him in. tj grabbed cyrus' arm and lead them onto the porch, closing the door behind him.

"cyrus, i am so so sorry. i wanted to dance with you, i really did. i just- i had too many things on my mind and i wasn't think right. i want a redemption, cyrus." tj explained as he looked down at the smaller boy.

cyrus crossed his arms but not from being annoyed, mostly because it was 31°F outside. he smiled up at the athlete, exhaling which turned into fog.

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